Published: August 2020

Make your voice heard

We want to help you make your voice heard. Our free Take Action Center makes it easy to help yourself and others through grassroots advocacy.

Our free Take Action Center delivers your messages to lawmakers and other policymakers and ensures that consumers have an active voice in crafting the policies that affect our lives. Here are the services you can use:

Take Action Center

Consumer Action uses an e-advocacy tool powered by VoterVoice to help you make your voice and opinions heard. This service, which we offer free to you, has online tools to help you play an active role in the political process. Take Action emails are sent to you from this address: takeaction AT consumer DASH action DOT org.

When you use these services, you will notice that the web address is different from Consumer Action's own website. You should see addresses beginning with in your URL bar. When you receive emailed Take Action alerts from Consumer Action, you may notice the “Powered by VoterVoice” logo at the bottom of the emails.

Consumer Action values your privacy and your email preferences. Each Take Action alert we send carries an opt-out link. If you opt out completely, we cannot send you mail—but we hope you will consider using the link at the bottom of our emails to set your preferences so that you get only the emails you want instead of opting out completely.

We always want to hear your feedback. Click here to Talk Back to us.

While we consider you part of our community and hope you allow us to communicate with you, we NEVER, EVER will sell your name. Here is a link to our privacy policy.

Key features

Take action on important issues. We post action alerts to encourage you to send personalized messages to elected officials. Let them know what you think about important issues that affect our organization. Take the time to personalize our pre-written alerts. You will always have the ability to edit the subject line and the content of the message in any way you want. While we take organizational positions on certain issues, we do not want to put words in your mouth.

Email your letters. After you compose your letters, you can send them immediately—an advantage, since "snail mail" to congressional offices can be delayed by several weeks while it is screened. (Compose your own letter from scratch on any topic.)

Find us on social media. Feel free to visit our social media pages to contact us or to share consumer news by tagging us: Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn

Sign up for our email list. You will receive Consumer Action Take Action Alerts as well as our newsletters and press releases. Simply use the quick link on the right side our homepage.

Personalizing your messages

One of the best ways to get your point across to an elected official is to personalize our emails. All our Take Action alerts have pre-written but editable text. Go ahead and edit them! Give an example from your own life that shows how the issue has affected you and why it is important to you and the group of which you are a part.

  • How does this affect your job?
  • What does it mean for your family?
  • What will it change in your community?

Two or three sentences at the beginning of your message are enough to show why you care strongly about an issue. Make your message stand out!

Assistance with e-advocacy

If you have questions or comments about our e-advocacy tools and services, send an email to: Talk Back. Unlike some organizations, we answer our emails.

About Consumer Action

Consumer Action has been a champion of underrepresented consumers nationwide since 1971. A non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, Consumer Action focuses on financial education that empowers low-to-moderate-income and limited-English-speaking consumers to financially prosper.

It also advocates for consumers in the media and before lawmakers to advance consumer rights and promote industry-wide change.

By participating in legislative, regulation and policy initiatives, Consumer Action ensures that underrepresented consumers have a voice in front of lawmakers and the national media.

Consumer Action takes positions on dozens of bills per national legislative session. We are pleased to present the consumer viewpoint in testimony when asked. We participate in more than 20 national and state advocacy coalitions working on student loans, privacy rights, defending the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, fair credit rules and more.

For More Information

Consumer Action recommends these resources:

  • Thomas: Legislative information from the Library of Congress
  • GovTrack: Legislative information from the U.S. government
  • Get informed, get involved
  • A site for social change
  • PopVox: Your Voice. Verified. Quantified. Amplified.

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