All Consumer Action publications are available online, with most also available as a PDF download. Government agencies, nonprofits and other community-based organizations who wish to distribute our publications for educational purposes can use the PDF file to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer.

Library: Chinese | Coronavirus vaccination outreach resources for community-based organizations (Chinese) 應對COVID-19 (新冠肺炎).

如果能夠讓大多數人都接種疫苗以實現群體免疫,這對於挽救生命和幫助國家從疫情破壞中恢復都是相當重要的。但截至 2021 年 7 月為止,仍有大約一半的美國成年人尚未接種​​疫苗。本指南將分享目前各類可靠來源的推廣工具和資訊, 這將幫助各個社區組織在其社區內鼓勵和傳遞相關訊息,讓居民接種COVID-19 新冠肺炎疫苗 。

Getting enough people vaccinated to achieve herd immunity is critical to saving lives and enabling the country to recover from the devastation of the pandemic, yet as of July 2021, around half of U.S. adults were still unvaccinated. This guide shares tools and information from trusted sources that will help community-based organizations encourage and communicate about COVID-19 vaccination within their communities. Category: COVID-19 Pandemic Medical/Healthcare on Sep 20, 2021

Library: Chinese | Distinguishing between vaccine fact and fiction (Chinese) 應對COVID-19 (新冠肺炎).


While many millions of Americans have been safely vaccinated, millions of others have not, with many basing their decision not to get the vaccine on inaccurate or misleading information. This publication counters specific vaccination objections with facts, explains why someone should get vaccinated, gives tips for recognizing and stemming vaccine misinformation/disinformation, and directs readers to resources that can help them get a vaccination. Category: COVID-19 Pandemic Medical/Healthcare on Sep 14, 2021

Library: Chinese | The Contact Lens Rule and the Eyeglass Rule (Chinese) 消費者擁有重要的視力保健權.


The approximately 75% of U.S. adults who need some type of corrective lenses spend billions of dollars each year on eye exams and eyewear, yet few understand their rights under the federal Contact Lens Rule and Eyeglass Rule. This publication explains those rights, provides links to additional information, and tells you where you can report violations of the rules. Category: Consumer Rights Medical/Healthcare on Jan 29, 2021

Library: Chinese | Telemedicine: What to know about virtual doctor visits (Chinese) 應對 COVID-19(新冠肺炎).


The pandemic has driven non-urgent doctor visits online to help suppress the spread of COVID-19. As more people receive medical care remotely, via a smartphone, tablet or computer, it's important to understand when and how virtual visits might be an option, whether they're covered under private and government-sponsored health plans, and what privacy issues they raise. Category: COVID-19 Pandemic Insurance Internet Medical/Healthcare Privacy Rights Technology on Dec 21, 2020

Library: Chinese | Get Covered: Choosing and using Medicare (Chinese) .

聯邦醫療保險(Medicare)並不是一種全方位的計劃———你個人所做的選擇,將會影響你的受保範圍和所需支付的費用。這本刊物詳細說明個人應在何時以及如何註冊參加Medicare(聯邦醫療保險)、聯邦健保計劃的每個“Parts”(部份 )究竟涵蓋哪些範圍,還有關於個人在選擇受保範圍時應考慮的要點,以及何處可以查詢更多詳情。

Medicare is not a one-size-fits-all program—the choices you make affect your coverage and costs. This publication explains when and how to enroll in Medicare, what each of the “Parts” of the program cover, what to consider when making your coverage choices and where to find more information.

Category: Insurance Medical/Healthcare on Aug 21, 2020

Library: Chinese | Resources for consumers impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak (Chinese) .


In response to the coronavirus outbreak, Consumer Action created this guide to inform consumers about public and private resources as they became available to help deal with the economic fallout of the pandemic. Category: Banking COVID-19 Pandemic Fraud/Scams Insurance Medical/Healthcare Mortgages Student Loans Taxes Telecom Tenant Rights on Jun 11, 2020

Library: Chinese | Get Covered: Navigating private and government health insurance (Chinese) .

如果你沒有僱主贊助的健康保險或是Medicare聯邦醫療保險,你需要考慮選購其他醫保,如何選擇醫保將會是你面對的一大難題。 這本刊物專門介紹各種個人(而非“團體”)的健康保險資源(包括ACA可負擔健保銷售市場的各種資訊詳情),以及如何購買健康保險。而如果你是低收入者或不符合條件申請某些特定的健保計劃時,你還能獲得何種健保選項。

If you don’t have employer-sponsored health insurance or Medicare, figuring out your coverage options can be daunting. This publication explains the various sources of individual (not “group”) health insurance (including detailed information about the ACA Health Insurance Marketplace), how to purchase coverage, and what your options for health care are if you have very low income or are ineligible for certain programs.

Category: Insurance Medical/Healthcare on Mar 03, 2020

Library: Chinese | Get Covered: Understanding your employer-sponsored health plan (Chinese) .


Choosing the wrong health insurance plan can result in inadequate coverage and higher out-of-pocket costs, so it’s important to understand how to make the best choice. This publication explains how employer-sponsored health insurance works, how to approach the selection process, and what to know about enrolling and maintaining coverage.

Category: Insurance Medical/Healthcare on Feb 13, 2020

Library: Chinese | Money Management 1-2-3: THREE: Planning a Secure Future (Chinese) .

Money Management 1-2-3:你一生都應精明理財” ,這本系列手冊的詳述重點著重於初級,中級,和高級程度的基本理財技術方面。第三部份:規劃安定的未來,為失業預做準備,積存退休金,以及保障已儲存的積蓄。主題內容包括:提升個人投資及房產淨值,擁有足夠的保險,善加處理醫療開支,基本的遺產規劃,以及祖父母輩如需養育下一代的準備工作。

The “Money Management 1-2-3: Be Smart About Money All Your Life” series focuses on basic money management skills at the beginner, intermediate and advanced level. Part three, Planning a Secure Future, focuses on leaving the workforce, funding your retirement and protecting what you’ve accumulated. Topics include tapping your investments and home equity, staying adequately insured, managing medical expenses, the basics of estate planning and, for some grandparents, raising a second family.

Category: Insurance Investing Medical/Healthcare Mortgages Money Management on Nov 04, 2016

Library: Chinese | Health Records Privacy in California (Chinese) 當醫療記錄數據化以後,你應確保個人隱私權.

本文內容對於個人電子醫療記錄及醫療隱私方面有詳細介绍。如需查詢相關資訊,可參閱Health Records Privacy in California (加州個人健康記錄隱私權)指南,它會進一步探討各種熱門問題,並以問答格式提供額外資料。

This fact sheet provides an introduction to electronic health records and your health information privacy rights. To learn more, refer to the companion resource, Health Records Privacy in California: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions, which provides additional information in a Q&A format.

Category: Medical/Healthcare Privacy Rights on Nov 12, 2013

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