Published: April 2016

P&G asked to provide chemical disclosures on all personal care products

Most people assume cosmetics and personal care products are tested for safety before being stocked on store shelves. In truth, personal care products are one of the least regulated industries in the U.S. In an effort to improve the public’s health by reducing exposure to toxic chemicals, Consumer Action joined consumer advocates in asking Procter & Gamble to implement a chemical ingredient policy that will fully disclose the mixture of ingredients in all of its products. Doing so gives consumers more information about the products they buy and use every day and pushes the industry as a whole to be more transparent.

You might assume the products you use to brush your teeth or wash your hair are guaranteed to be safe. However, the long list of ingredients on a label might include chemicals and heavy metals that, at certain levels of exposure, are known to cause cancer or affect brain development. Consumer Action and coalition advocates are calling on one of the largest consumer goods company in the country, Procter & Gamble, to fully disclose the list of ingredients in all of its products in an effort to protect its customers and earn their trust.

Lead Organization

U.S. Public Interest Research Group (U.S. PIRG)

Other Organizations

Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments | Campaign for Safe Cosmetics | 
Center for Biological Diversity
 | Center for Environmental Health | 
Clean and Healthy New York
 | Clean Water Action - Massachusetts
 | Coming Clean
 | Consumer Action
 | Environmental Health Strategy Center - Prevent Harm | Greenpeace | 
| Healthy Schools Network | 
Learning Disabilities Association of America | Learning Disabilities Association Minnesota | 
Made Safe | Moms Clean Air Force | 
Cancer Prevention and Treatment Fund
 | Safer Chemicals Healthy Families
 | Sierra Club | 
Stacy Malkan - Author of Not Just a Pretty Face: The Ugly Side of the Beauty Industry, and co-founder of Campaign for Safe Cosmetics
 | Texas Campaign for the Environment | 
The Ecology Center
 | U.S. Public Interest Research Group | Education Fund
 | Washington Toxics Coalition
 | Women's Voices for the Earth

More Information

For more information, please visit U.S. PIRG.

Download PDF

P&G asked to provide chemical disclosures on all personal care products   (LETTERTOPROCTER_GAMBLE.pdf)




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