Protecting Your Phone Records

Phone records are an important source of private information that someone might try to access without your consent for illegal or harmful purposes. This project includes materials that can help you understand who would want to access your phone records, why they might want to do it, how they try to access your private information and what you can do to reduce the chances of becoming a victim.


Publication List

Protect Your Phone Records

Protect Your Phone Records

Phone records are an important source of private information that someone might try to access without your consent for illegal or harmful purposes. This publication can help you understand who would want to access your phone records, why they might want to do it, how they try to access your private information and what you can do to reduce the chances of becoming a victim. A companion Leader’s Guide is available.

Protect Your Phone Records - Leader’s Guide

Protect Your Phone Records - Leader’s Guide

Pretexting is a method of obtaining someone else’s personal information, including phone records, under false pretenses. This Leader’s Guide, written in question-and-answer format, will help give trainers background on the techniques pretexters use, the damage they can do to victims, various laws and regulations that keep phone records private, how to protect personal data and how victims can file complaints. A companion brochure is available.

Protect Your Phone Records - Lesson Plan

Protect Your Phone Records - Lesson Plan

This lesson plan, which explains why phone records contain private information that someone might try to access without consent for illegal or harmful purposes, is designed to help you lead trainings and seminars. The 13-page packet, part of the Protecting Your Phone Records series, contains a detailed curriculum, classroom activities and worksheets for participants. (Note: It is only available as a PDF file.)

Protect Your Phone Records - PowerPoint Slides

Protect Your Phone Records - PowerPoint Slides

The Protect Your Phone Records PowerPoint slides explain who would want to access your phone records, why they might want to do it, how these people try to access your private information and what you can do to reduce the chances of becoming a victim. The PowerPoint slides can be downloaded from the “Download File” section.

Protect Your Phone Records (Chinese)

Protect Your Phone Records (Chinese)

有人可能未經過你的同意就試圖使用你的電話記錄以作為非法或陷害他人的用途. 因為它是個人資料的重要來源。這本手冊有助於你瞭解誰會想得到你的電話記錄,他們如 何試圖得到你的個人資料,以及你要怎樣才能減低成為受害者的可能性。

Protect Your Phone Records (Spanish)

Protect Your Phone Records (Spanish)

Su historial telefónico es una importante fuente de información privada que alguien podría tratar de obtener sin su permiso con motivo de hacer daño o alguna actividad ilegal. Esta publicación puede ayudarle a entender quién podría tratar de obtener su historial telefónico, porqué lo harían, cómo tratan de obtener su información personal y qué puede hacer usted para disminuir las posibilidades de convertirse en víctima.

Protect Your Phone Records (Korean)

Protect Your Phone Records (Korean)

전화 기록은 중요한 개인 신상 정보를 담고 있으며 누군가가 악용 혹은 범죄의 목적으로 여러분의 허락없이 전화기록을 입수하려고 할 수 있습니다. 이 소책자는 누가 어떤 목적으로 여러분의 전화 기록을 입수하려고 하는지, 어떤 방법으로 그들이 여러분의 개인 신상 정보를 입수하려고 하는지, 그리고 여러분이 피해자가 되는 것을 방지하는 요령 등에 대해 설명하고 있습니다.

Protect Your Phone Records (Vietnamese)

Protect Your Phone Records (Vietnamese)

Hồ sơ điện thoại là một nguồn chi tiết cá nhân quan trọng nếu có người muốn lấy dữ kiện hồ sơ của quý vị cho những mục tiêu trái phép hay tai hại mà không được sự cho phép của quý vị. Ấn bản này giúp quý vị hiểu về những ai sẽ là người muốn lấy dữ kiện về hồ sơ điển thoại của quý vị, vì sao, làm thế nào họ có thể lấy được chi tiết cá nhân của quý vị và quý vị có thể làm gì để giảm nguy cơ quý vị là nạn nhân của việc đó.


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