Successful Homeownership

This module covers the financial responsibilities of homeownership and how to manage them, how to maintain and protect your property, and how to build and preserve your home equity.

Publications are available online, with most also available as a PDF download. Government agencies, nonprofits and other community-based organizations who wish to distribute our publications for educational purposes can use the PDF file to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer.


Publication List

Keeping Your Home - Protect your investment (English)

Keeping Your Home - Protect your investment (English)

People who plan, budget and save for successful homeownership have a much better chance of keeping a roof over their heads and building wealth as property values increase over the years. This brochure covers the financial responsibilities of homeownership and how to manage them, how to maintain and protect your property, and how to build and preserve your home equity.

Successful Homeownership - Leader’s Guide

Successful Homeownership - Leader’s Guide

Buying a home is a major achievement. But successful homeownership does not begin and end when the closing documents are signed. This Leader’s Guide provides information and background to help you teach prospective, new and established homeowners what they need to know to be successful at homeownership.

Successful Homeownership - Seminar Lesson Plan & Class Activities (English)

Successful Homeownership - Seminar Lesson Plan & Class Activities (English)

This PDF packet provides guidance for teachers and team leaders. The 20-page packet contains a detailed curriculum, classroom activities and take home worksheets.

Successful Homeownership - PowerPoint Training Slides (English)

Successful Homeownership - PowerPoint Training Slides (English)

The Successful Homeownership PowerPoint training file is available for download in the “Download File” section.

Keeping Your Home - Protect your investment (Spanish)

Keeping Your Home - Protect your investment (Spanish)

Las personas que planifican, hacen un presupuesto y ahorran para tener éxito como dueñas de casa tienen muchas más posibilidades de mantener su hogar e incrementar su patrimonio a medida que el valor de su propiedad aumente con los años. Este folleto explica las responsabilidades financieras de los propietarios de una vivienda y cómo administrar estas responsabilidades, cómo mantener y proteger su hogar, y cómo aumentar y conservar el valor líquido de su vivienda.

Successful Homeownership - Class Activities (Spanish)

Successful Homeownership - Class Activities (Spanish)

Este archivo en PDF contiene traducciones en español de las actividades para hacer en clase y los ejercicios para hacer en casa tomados del plan de enseñanza en inglés Successful Homeownership.

Successful Homeownership - PowerPoint Training Slides (Spanish)

Successful Homeownership - PowerPoint Training Slides (Spanish)

El archivo de la presentación en PowerPoint del seminario Cómo tener éxito como dueño de casa está disponible en la sección “Download File”.

Keeping Your Home - Protect your investment (Korean)

Keeping Your Home - Protect your investment (Korean)

안정적인 주택 소유를 위해 계획과 예산을 세우고 저축하는 사람들은 주택을 지속적으로 소유할 가능성과 장기적인 부동산의 가치 상승에 의한 부의 축척 가능성이 높습니다. 이 소책자는 주택소유자의 재정적 책임과 그것의 관리 요령, 부동산의 관리와 보호 요령, 그리고 홈 에퀴티를 쌓고 유지하는 요령 등을 설명하고 있습니다.

Keeping Your Home - Protect your investment (Vietnamese)

Keeping Your Home - Protect your investment (Vietnamese)

Những người có kế hoạch, ngân sách và dành dụm để thành công làm chủ một căn nhà sẽ có nhiều cơ hội tốt hơn để giữ được mái nhà của họ và gây dựng tài sản từ giá trị gia tăng của căn nhà theo thời gian. Tài liệu này nói đến các trách nhiệm tài chính trong việc làm chủ căn nhà và làm thế nào để quản lý, duy trì và bảo vệ tài sản của quý vị, và phương cách gây dựng và bảo tồn tiền lời căn nhà của quý vị.

Keeping Your Home - Protect your investment (Chinese)

Keeping Your Home - Protect your investment (Chinese)



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