Action Center

Welcome to Consumer Action’s Take Action Center. The free service allows you to play an active role in the political process by finding contact information for your federal and state elected officials, writing to Congress, sending letters to the editor, responding to key legislation and more. For more about our work, visit our Issues and Positions page.

Use our form to write or tweet to Congress. See the pull-down “Action Menu” at upper right for more activities, such as writing letters to the editor or responding to our action alerts.

Signup for Emails

Quickly sign-up for emails. Want more control use 'Action Menu' option.


Make Your Voice Heard

The Action Center features tools to help you advocate for yourself and others. Learn more about the key features and advantages of the Take Action Center and how you can communicate effectively with your elected officials and build grassroots momentum. Learn More…

Legislative Positions

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No Items Where Found

Currently, Consumer Action isn't supporting any additional legislation or actions. To see the list of current items we are supporting, please visit our Featured Actions page. As we support more actions during the year, the spillover will display.