Network Member Application

Consumer Action offers two network memberships: Affiliate membership and Associate membership. As an Affiliate or Associate member, you will have the ability to access professional development content; headline news; social media content; and newsletters and timely news stories on a variety of consumer protection issues.

All members must demonstrate a commitment to serving low- and moderate-income or other underrepresented consumers to improve financial health and financial capability.

Affiliate and Associate membership agreement

  1. The member serves/advocates for a constituency that is at least 50 percent low-to-moderate-income and/or underrepresented (e.g., disabled, communities of color, immigrants, limited English proficiency (LEP), veterans, servicemembers, etc.).
  2. The member adheres to the highest ethical standards of conduct and acts in accordance with all local, state and federal laws.
  3. The member is mission-aligned with Consumer Action and agrees to support Consumer Action in the areas of reporting success stories, attending online or in-person events and/or ordering publications to improve consumers’ financial health.
  4. The member agrees to use Consumer Action materials for instructional or educational purposes only and provide proper attribution to Consumer Action for use of its materials. (Attribution must state: Source: Consumer Action, All rights reserved.)
Please review question 1 through 4 and indicate your agreement.

Additional questions

Is your agency interested in signing on to letters in support of specific policies or legislation to improve consumer protections in the areas of housing, insurance, telecommunications, privacy and personal finance? (Note: The inability of staff to sign support letters will not preclude organization from becoming a member.)

If you are an Associate member, will you consider signing on to letters in support of specific policies or legislation to improve consumer health?

Contact information

(Please fill out all required fields, marked with an asterisk * )

Please select one.