Business opportunity fraud: An inside look
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Click here to watch the video.
During uncertain economic times like these, a lot of people are looking for ways to earn some extra money and make ends meet. Maybe—like Craig D'Angelo, a policeman featured in the video—you’ve noticed ads on TV, in the papers or online that pitch business opportunities. These offers often guarantee that you can make a lot of money in a short period of time with little to no effort. Be aware that many of these operations are run by scam artists who take your money up front and never deliver on the earnings they promised.
Fraud: An Inside Look is a video from the Federal Trade Commission that takes you behind the scenes with a convicted business opportunity scammer as he reveals the tricks he used to cheat people out of their money. You’ll also hear first-hand from two people who got caught up in bogus business opportunities and learn what questions to ask to tell if a business opportunity is a scam or the real deal.