Google Map

These modular elements can be readily used and customized in every layout across pages.

Eiffel Tower

Gustave Eiffel's iconic, wrought-iron 1889 tower,
with steps and elevators to observation decks.

<div data-latlng="48.8583701,2.2922873,17" data-scrollwheel="false" data-icon="assets/images/hotel-icon.png" data-zoom="2" data-theme="Tripitty" style="min-height: 300px" class="googlemap">
	<div class="marker-content py-3">
		<h5>Eiffel Tower</h5>
		<p>Gustave Eiffel's iconic, wrought-iron 1889 tower,<br/> with steps and elevators to observation decks.</p>
<script src="assets/js/googlemap.js"></script>
<script src=""></script>
Map color schemes

Change the value of data-theme='' to any of the followings

  • Default
  • Gray
  • Midnight
  • Hopper
  • Beard
  • AssassianCreed
  • SubtleGray
  • Tripitty
  • Silver

With AssassianCreed scheme

Eiffel Tower

Gustave Eiffel's iconic, wrought-iron 1889 tower,
with steps and elevators to observation decks.

Example of street view
<div data-latlng='48.8588723,2.2932638' data-pov='{heading:120,pitch:0}' data-scrollwheel='false' data-icon='assets/images/map-marker.png' data-zoom='1' data-theme='streetview' class='googlemap h-full'></div>