Published: September 2013

A sweet deal for sugar growers and a bad deal for consumers

Coalition: Coaltion for Sugar Reform

Reform of the current U.S. sugar program is needed to put an end to tight sugar supplies, high sugar prices, plant closures, job losses, and unnecessary and wasteful government intrusion on domestic sugar production.

Reforms to the sugar program would benefit consumers and the food industry by reducing the price of sugar because the current program props up the price at an artificially high level.

"It's time to end the government's wasteful sugar program,” said Rep. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) who has gone on record in favor of sugar reform. “This flawed policy is corporate welfare at its worst and hurts not only candy companies and food manufacturers, but also the families who end up paying higher costs for food made with sugar.”

Recent studies show that the annual cost of the sugar program to consumers is up to $3.5 billion, paid in the form of higher grocery bills, including for staples like bread, peanut butter and frozen vegetables. Due to the nature of these costs and the fact that lower-income consumers spend a higher percentage of their income on food, the sugar program effectively creates a regressive and hidden tax. When working families are doing all they can to make ends meet and put food on the table, this is a tax they can ill afford.

Consumer Action joins coalition advocates in urging Congress to stand up for America’s consumers and take any opportunity – as part of the farm bill process or otherwise – to reform the sugar program this year.

Lead Organization

Consumer Federation of America

Other Organizations

Consumer Action | Consumer Federation of America | National Consumers League

More Information

For more information please visiton the Coalition for Sugar Reform website.

Download PDF

A sweet deal for sugar growers and a bad deal for consumers   (Sugar_House_9.3.13.pdf)




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