Published: July 2018

“License to Kill” bills in New Jersey are as terrifying for consumers as they sound

S 2740 and A 4292, dubbed the “License to Kill” bills, would make regulating auto industries in the state of New Jersey, and protecting the safety of New Jersey consumers, much more difficult. Backed by unscrupulous auto dealers, the bills would drastically weaken the existing laws in the state that protect consumers from being defrauded and purchasing unsafe vehicles.

New Jersey state bills S 2740 and A 4292 are backed by slimy auto dealers who knowingly and deliberately sell vehicles with dangerous safety recall defects. The bills would drastically weaken the existing laws in New Jersey that currently protect the public from unsafe vehicles with known safety defects by holding auto dealers liable if they engage in false advertising or bait and switch; fail to comply with express and / or implied warranties; engage in unfair and deceptive acts and practices or fraud; fail to comply with the common law duty of care; or act with negligence, resulting in damage, injuries, or wrongful death.

Lead Organization

Consumers for Auto Reliability and Safety (CARS)

Other Organizations

Consumer Federation of America | National Association of Consumer Advocates | The Safety Institute | Consumer Action | Consumers for Auto Reliability and Safety

More Information

For more information, please visit CARS.

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“License to Kill” bills in New Jersey are as terrifying for consumers as they sound   (NJ_Beach-Greenwald.compressed.pdf)




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