Published: September 2013

Low-income communities at risk in wireless merger

The proposed AT&T-Leap Merger will hit low-income and minority communities the hardest.

Today Consumer Action, joined by Public Knowledge and the Writer's Guild of America, West, filed a petition with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to denounce the proposed acquisition by AT&T of Leap Wireless, which operates the well-known brand Cricket Wireless, by AT&T.

John Bergmayer, Senior Staff Attorney with Public Knowledge explains: "Leap offers low-cost and pre-paid options to millions of wireless subscribers, and we're concerned that these customers could be left behind by this transaction. Low-income, immigrant, and minority communities could be hardest hit. Additionally, wireless competition helps ensure that all subscribers have access to a diverse voices and a wide choice of services.

"In addition, Leap controls a lot of radio spectrum, something wireless operators need access to provide service. Over the past several years, the largest wireless operators have been on a spectrum spending spree. This has led to an unbalanced market place, and enough is enough. The FCC should not allow AT&T to acquire more spectrum until it comprehensively updates its spectrum policies."

Other Organizations

Public Knowledge | Writer's Guild of America, West | Consumer Action

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Low-income communities at risk in wireless merger   (PK_Petition_to_Deny_ATT_Leap.pdf)




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