Published: March 2012
Strengthen JOBS Act Investor Protections
CFA urges Senate to vote YES on Cloture for Reed-Landrieu-Levin Substitute Amendment. If that Fails, Vote NO on Cloture for the House Bill.
The JOBS Act was rushed through the House without any attention to its potentially devastating impact on investors, market transparency, and the integrity of our capital markets. In recent weeks, a growing number of experts have voiced grave concerns about the bill, including: current and former federal and state securities regulators; groups representing seniors, workers, investors, consumers, economists, and Main Street businesses; and a number of leading securities law scholars and IPO experts. The issues they have raised are far too important to the health of our economy for you to allow them to continue to be ignored.
Lead Organization
Consumer Federation of America (CFA)
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Strengthen JOBS Act Investor Protections (CFA_JOBSAct.pdf)