Published: January 2019
The 116th Congress should put students at the top of their agenda
Consumer Action joined 49 advocate groups in urging members of Congress to work toward a Higher Education Act (HEA) reauthorization bill. The HEA bill should broaden opportunities for students, including low-income students and students of color, and increase accountability to protect students, families and taxpayers from low-quality and unscrupulous colleges.
In a letter to members of the 116th Congress, coalition advocates urged legislators to work toward passing a Higher Education Act reauthorization bill that would strengthen safeguards for students and taxpayers while preserving four core existing protections: borrower defense to repayment, a gainful employment definition, the 90-10 rule, and the incentive compensation ban.
Lead Organization
The Institute for College Access & Success (TICAS)
Other Organizations
AFL-CIO | American Federation of Teachers Americans for Financial Reform Association of Young Americans (AYA) | Center for Responsible Lending | Children's Advocacy Institute | CLASP | Consumer Action | Consumer Advocacy and Protection Society (CAPS) | Consumer Federation of California | Democrats for Education Reform | Demos | East Bay Community Law Center, Consumer Justice Clinic | Economic Mobility Pathways (EMPath) | The Education Trust | Generation Progress | Higher Education Loan Coalition | Hildreth Institute | Housing and Economic Rights Advocates | The Institute for College Access & Success (TICAS) | Legal Aid Society of San Bernardino | Maryland Consumer Rights Coalition | NAACP | National Association for College Admission Counseling | National Association of Consumer Advocates | National Center for Law and Economic Justice | National Consumers League | National Education Association | PHENOM (Public Higher Education Network of Massachusetts) | Project on Predatory Student Lending, Legal Services Center of Harvard Law School | Public Citizen | Public Good Law Center | Public Law Center | Student Action | Student Debt Crisis | Student Veterans of America | U.S. Public Interest Research Group (PIRG) | UnidosUS | United States Student Association | Urban Assembly | Veterans Education Success | Veterans for Common Sense | Vietnam Veterans of America | Women Employed | Woodstock Institute | Young Invincibles | Maine Center for Economic Policy | Service Employees International Union (SEIU) | University of San Diego Veterans Legal Clinic
More Information
Click here to read the full letter.
For more information, please visit TICAS.
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