Coalition Efforts
- Broad opposition to bill that would allow undoing of dozens of regulations finalized near end of Biden term
- Organizations oppose misleadingly named College Cost Reduction Act
- Advocates support legislation to enhance consumer artificial intelligence literacy
- Advocates urge mark-up and vote on Forced Arbitration Injustice Repeal (FAIR) Act
- Advocates support bill to increase protections for bank account and payment app users
- Task force urges steps to prevent prescription drug shortages
- Coalition supports the Stop Corporate Capture Act
- Support for legislation to lower prescription prices for U.S. consumers
- 97 organizations sign letter opposing House Majority’s FY25 spending proposal
- Organizations welcome FAA reauthorization agreement, but advocate for improvements
- Endorsement for INSURE Act, to address crisis in home insurance market
- Consumer Action supports bill to ban hedge fund ownership of residential housing
- CLASS Act would give students defrauded by for-profit colleges their day in court
- Call for appropriations bills without poison pill policy riders
- Opposition to amendments that would strip agencies’ powers to protect consumers
- Key policies recommended to expand access and lower insulin prices
- Bipartisan legislation would preserve freedom of payment choice
- More than 50 organizations support the Tax on Wall Street Speculation Act
- Dozens of organizations urge lawmakers to oppose REINS Act
- Groups urge U.S. senators to advance legislation that would result in lower drug prices
- Congress urged to include airline passenger reforms in 2023 FAA Reauthorization
- Support for Tax Filing Simplification Act (TFSA)
- Restore FTC’s power to obtain monetary relief for harmed consumers
- Protect the rights of 45 million contact lens consumers
- Protect retirees and savers from conflicted investment advice
- Advocates support Hill staffers’ effort to organize
- It’s time to stand up for patients and to stop Big Pharma from ripping us off
- Regulators should reject FinTech startup’s bank charter application
- Congress needs to prioritize affordable housing in future budget reconciliation bills
- As the pandemic continues, the Build Back Better Act aims to provide critical assistance to American families
- The FAIR Fees Act to curb outrageous airline fees
- Americans need drug pricing reform now
- CFPB urged to reverse earned wage actions that could create dangerous FinTech payday loopholes
- Free community college is the boost the post-COVID-19 economy needs
- Biden’s Build Back Better Act to include historic expansion of funds to address homeownership gap for people of color
- Protecting democracy from a lawless president
- Requiring SSN collection by peer-to-peer payment services puts consumers at risk
- Groups contest major postage increase planned by USPS
- Protect retirement savers from risky private equity investments
- FinTech users deserve strong data use protections
- The next COVID-19 relief package should include these critical consumer protections
- Proposed Senate bill fails to Protect Student Borrowers during pandemic
- More than 100 non-profit groups support bill that would require corporations to disclose important data to address potential profit shifting
- Now is not the time to rush autonomous vehicle legislation through Congress
- Congress: Pass a clean budget for FY2021
- OCC proposal could greenlight predatory lending schemes
- New credit report portal would make resolving errors easier for consumers
- Pharmacy benefit managers are driving up drug costs for patients
- Advocates call on Amtrak to end forced arbitration policy
- Congress steps in to overturn DeVos borrower defense rule
- A new bill aimed at helping students lacks robust borrower protections
- Further cuts to Pell will put college out of reach for many low-income families
- Consumer Action joins the Ban Facial Recognition Campaign
- Overhauling the nation’s broken credit reporting system
- Is Mercedes-Benz cheating us out of clean air?
- Arbitration in America hurts consumers
- It’s time for Wall Street traders to pay their fair share
- Forced arbitration silences victims and should end
- Consumers need stronger credit reporting protections
- Americans are ready for comprehensive reform to lower prescription drug prices
- The time is now for a FAMILY bill to be passed
- The CREATES Act protects patients from outrageous prescription drug costs
- Protect consumers, not pyramid-scheme businesses
- How the government shutdown puts working families at risk
- The time is now for comprehensive consumer data privacy legislation
- The 116th Congress should put students at the top of their agenda
- Department of Education urged to extend loan discharge period for scammed students
- Kathy Kraninger is shockingly unqualified to lead the CFPB
- Groups renew call for no poison pill policy riders
- Advocates set the bar for upcoming discussion on privacy legislation
- Hands off the Medicare donut hole deal
- Protect consumers from excessive airline fees
- Senate should reject Kraninger for CFPB Director
- It’s buyer beware with the SEC’s latest best interest proposal
- 3M seniors could lose critical benefits if Benchmark Cap remains in Medicare Advantage
- Health insurance tax would hit seniors hard
- Protecting Pell Grants in 2019 spending bill is critical for strong, diverse economy
- A terrible agenda for students and taxpayers
- Border wall funding is a waste of taxpayer dollars
- Last-ditch effort to prevent auto lending discrimination fails
- Advocates alarmed as HUD considers dropping key mission
- 10 years after Great Recession, Senate considers Dodd-Frank rollbacks
- Stringent safety requirements needed before driverless cars hit the road
- PROSPER Act puts for-profit schools’ interests ahead of students and taxpayers
- SAFE Lending Act protects working families from cycle of debt
- Congress to gut key provision of Americans with Disabilities Act
- Policy riders are a shady attempt at regulating CFPB
- Consumers deserve more control over their credit reports
- Do not let government agencies weaken consumer protections
- Advocates call on Congress do more for victims of Equifax breach
- ED urged to put students’ interest first as it reconsiders critical regulations
- Bills make high cost, predatory lending easier
- Pell Grants remain in jeopardy, impacting vulnerable low-income students
- Fighting for DACA and DREAMers’ access to higher education
- Enough with the sneaky and harmful policy riders
- Consumer groups call on House to oppose pyramid scheme promotion amendment
- Raiding of Pell Grant funds will hurt millions of low-income students
- No room for ideological riders in our nation’s budget
- The CHOICE Act is WRONG for Americans and the economy
- Regulatory Accountability Act (RAA) would hurt consumers