Investment advice from four very different angles


Source: Paul B. Brown, The New York Times

It seems that the nation’s publishers are just as perplexed about investing as the rest of us. You might expect them to be rushing out dozens of books offering advice about what to do in a market that has bounced around like a 7-year-old on a sugar high — and has lately tripped over its own feet. But they have published very few. Instead, they have mainly opted to approach the problem sideways. They are telling you how to put money in context, so that you will presumably be less upset about the market’s gyrations. They are telling you how to save more, so that you presumably can offset your investment losses. And they are even releasing a novel about an appealing young economics professor struggling to make his way in the real world — to show you, presumably, that things are tough even for the experts.

Read Full Article: Investment advice from four very different angles



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