Fairness, Transparency and Accountability in Credit and Consumer Reporting

The information in consumer reports—including credit reports and background checks—is regularly used to determine if a consumer can get a personal loan or a credit card a mortgage or an apartment and even an insurance policy or a job. Accuracy and access to the information in consumer reports is critically important for consumers' economic well-being. During this virtual convening panelists explore why complaints about consumer reports are swelling and what is being done to curb the abuses.
Published: Monday, November 18, 2024

The information in consumer reports—including credit reports and background checks—is regularly used to determine if a consumer can get a personal loan or a credit card, a mortgage or an apartment, and even an insurance policy or a job. Accuracy and access to the information in consumer reports is critically important for consumers' economic well-being. During this virtual convening, panelists explore why complaints about consumer reports are swelling and what is being done to curb the abuses. Among the topics discussed are if and how recent regulatory guidance will improve reporting accuracy and transparency and prevent discrimination; changes in medical debt reporting; how new HUD guidance is helping protect rental housing applicants from discriminatory tenant screening practices; what practical steps consumers can take to help ensure that their reports are accurate; and how consumers can resolve problems with a consumer or credit reporting agency.

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