Publications List
Consumer Action has built an extensive, one-of-a-kind collection of consumer education publications—all available in English, and many available in Spanish, Chinese, Spanish, Vietnamese and Korean as well. In addition to being available, at no charge, to individual consumers, our materials are free to government agencies, nonprofits and other community-based organizations who wish to distribute them for educational purposes. The downloadable PDF file on the publication webpage makes it easy to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer.
- ID Theft & Account Fraud - Class Activities (Spanish)
- ID Theft & Account Fraud - Lesson Plan (English)
- ID Theft & Account Fraud - PowerPoint Training Slides (English)
- ID Theft & Account Fraud - PowerPoint Training Slides (Spanish)
- ID Theft & Account Fraud - Prevention & Cleanup (Chinese)
- ID Theft & Account Fraud - Prevention & Cleanup (Korean)
- ID Theft & Account Fraud - Prevention & Cleanup (Spanish)
- ID Theft & Account Fraud - Prevention & Cleanup (Vietnamese)
- ID Theft & Account Fraud: Prevention and cleanup (English)
- ID Theft and Account Fraud: Questions and answers
- ID Theft Quiz
- Improve Your Credit - Put Bad Credit Behind You (Chinese)
- Improve Your Credit - Put Bad Credit Behind You (English)
- Improve Your Credit - Put Bad Credit Behind You (Korean)
- Improve Your Credit - Put Bad Credit Behind You (Spanish)
- Improve Your Credit - Put Bad Credit Behind You (Vietnamese)
- Internet Safety: A computer user’s guide to privacy and security
- Internet Safety - Seminar Lesson Plan and Class Activities
- Internet Safety - Training Slides
- Internet Safety (Chinese): A computer user’s guide to privacy and security
- Internet Safety (Korean): A computer user's guide to privacy and security
- Internet Safety (Spanish): A computer user’s guide to privacy and security
- Internet Safety (Vietnamese): A computer user's guide to privacy and security
- Job Training Programs Quiz
- Just Say No to Scams: A guide to protecting yourself from liars, cheats and crooks
- Just Say No to Scams - PowerPoint Training Slides
- Just Say No to Scams - Seminar Lesson Plan and Class Activities
- Just Say No to Scams (Chinese)
- Just Say No to Scams (Quick Tips): Quick tips for protecting yourself from fraud
- Just Say No to Scams (Quick Tips) (Spanish): Consejos breves para protegerse contra el fraude
- Keeping Your Bank & Credit Card Accounts Safe from Fraud: A manual for community-based organizations
- Miracle Cures Can Make You Sick!
- Phone Fraud: We All Pay
- Phone Fraud (Chinese): We All Pay
- Phone Fraud (Spanish): Todos Pagamos
- Preventing Credit Card Fraud: Learn how to protect yourself
- Preventing Credit Card Fraud (Spanish): Aprenda a protegerse
- Preventing Telemarketing Fraud: Learn How to Protect Yourself!
- Preventing Telemarketing Fraud (Spanish): Aprenda Cómo Protegerse
- Privacy and Your Credit Report
- Protect Your Phone Records
- Protect Your Phone Records - Leader’s Guide
- Protect Your Phone Records - Lesson Plan
- Protect Your Phone Records - PowerPoint Slides
- Protect Your Phone Records (Chinese)
- Protect Your Phone Records (Korean)
- Protect Your Phone Records (Spanish)
- Protect Your Phone Records (Vietnamese)
- Protect Yourself From Identity Theft: It's Your Good Name!
- Protect Yourself From Identity Theft (Chinese): It's Your Good Name!