Eight things to do if you lose your wallet

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Losing your wallet or purse is stressful. Your money, credit cards, driver's license are gone. Just in case, make a list of what's in your wallet now, with account numbers and contact phone numbers, and store it in a safe place at home.

If disaster has already struck, immediately try to list everything important you had in your wallet. Tackle the big things first:

  • Immediately cancel all your credit and debit cards, letting your bank know that your wallet was lost or stolen. Request new copies of the card with a new account number.
  • If you were the victim of theft, contact your local police department and file a police report so there is an official record.
  • Report a missing driver's license to your state's department of motor vehicles and request a new copy.
  • Alert the fraud departments of the three major credit reporting companies. They can place fraud alerts on your name and Social Security number, and you can request that creditors alert you before opening a line of credit in your name. (Equifax: 800-525-6285; Experian: 888-397-3742; Trans Union: 800-680-7289)
  • Request a replacement Social Security card. Consider not carrying it in your wallet in the future.
  • Contact your employer or your health insurance provider directly to get a replacement health insurance card. If you've lost a Medicare card, contact the Social Security Administration to get a replacement.
  • For other club memberships, video rentals and bonus club cards, contact each company individually.




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