Chinese Library

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Library of Chinese Publications, Sorted by Date

Headlines & Press Releases


Thursday, July 11, 2024

Chinese Press Release | CFPB 提議使用多元語言協助屋主貸款避免成為法拍屋


Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Chinese Headlines | 消费者行动提供电子产品咨询服务


Tuesday, February 06, 2024

Chinese Headlines | 消费者行动参与奥克兰农历新年街会


Thursday, November 09, 2023

Chinese Headlines | 消費者行動成立52週年誌慶


Wednesday, November 08, 2023

Chinese Headlines | 消費者行動成立52週年誌慶

( View More Chinese Headlines )

Computer, tablet and smartphone warranties: Understanding and exercising your rights (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | Computer, tablet and smartphone warranties: Understanding and exercising your rights (Chinese) .


A computer, tablet or smartphone can be a big investment, so it's important to know you'll be protected if you get a device with some sort of defect. This guide explains how warranties for these types of products work, why extended warranties and insurance aren't always a good idea, your warranty rights under the law, how to file a claim, and what to do if you're dissatisfied with how your claim is handled. Category: Consumer Rights Technology Telecom on Apr 19, 2024

Get Credit for Your Hard Work (2023 Tax Year) (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | Get Credit for Your Hard Work (2023 Tax Year) (Chinese) 低收入工薪納稅人可以享有聯邦退稅優惠(EITC).

聯邦工薪退稅優惠 (EITC) 可幫助低收入在職納稅人和家庭在提交聯邦所得稅申報表時獲得更多退稅優惠。這本版物包含 2023 納稅年度的 EITC 指標(適用於 2024 年 4 月繳稅期限的稅款)。

The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) helps low-income working taxpayers and families get more money back when they file their federal income tax return. This publication contains EITC guidelines for the 2023 tax year (for taxes due in April 2024). Category: Money Management Taxes on Dec 12, 2023

Investing for Communities of Color: Build generational wealth (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | Investing for Communities of Color: Build generational wealth (Chinese) .


For a number of reasons, communities of color invest at lower rates than white people do. But investing is a key component of achieving long-term financial security and building generational wealth. This publication explains the barriers to investing for communities of color, as well as why it’s crucial to start investing now, how to get started (even if you don’t have much to invest) and stay on track, and where to find more information about investing and personal finance. Category: Investing on Apr 17, 2023

Investing for Women: Take control of your financial future (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | Investing for Women: Take control of your financial future (Chinese) . Women have some additional challenges to overcome when planning for the future and getting started investing. This publication identifies some of the barriers to investing that women face, explains why women must invest, and offers tips and resources for getting started and managing an investment portfolio wisely. Category: Investing on Mar 16, 2023

In Brief: Your rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | In Brief: Your rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act (Chinese) .

加州消費者隱私法 (CCPA) 賦予居民關於各公司企業收集有關他們個人資料的重要隱私權保障權利。這本 CCPA 全文指南的精簡版概述了關於消費者個人由 2023 年 1 月 1 日開始所獲得的權利,請瀏覽:(立即採取行動!依據加州消費者隱私法行使個人權利).

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) gives residents important rights regarding the personal information that businesses collect about them. This condensed version of our full-length CCPA guide provides an overview of your rights as of Jan. 1, 2023. Category: Privacy Rights on Feb 17, 2023

Take action! Exercise your rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | Take action! Exercise your rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act (Chinese) .

這本指南詳述了California Consumer Privacy Act(加州消費者隱私法: CCPA) 所有可被涵蓋的法規受益者和範圍,同時描述了個人如何行使自己的權利,並列舉可以保障個人數據的各項提示。這本指南內容包括由 2023 年 1 月 1 日起開始生效之新訂法規。請點擊此處查看指南精簡版:(濃縮版:關於 California Consumer Privacy Act(加州消費者隱私法)的個人權利)

This guide explains who and what is covered by the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), describes how you can exercise your rights, and offers tips for protecting your personal data. It has been updated to reflect changes in the law that took effect on Jan. 1, 2023. Click here for a condensed version of the guide. Category: Privacy Rights on Feb 16, 2023

Investing Basics: Get started putting your money to work for you (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | Investing Basics: Get started putting your money to work for you (Chinese) .


Investing is a crucial element of any long-term financial plan. This guide introduces the fundamentals of sound investing, presents key considerations when choosing investments, explains how to open an account, and provides resources to help you learn more. Category: Investing on Feb 10, 2023

Coronavirus vaccination outreach resources for community-based organizations (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | Coronavirus vaccination outreach resources for community-based organizations (Chinese) 應對COVID-19 (新冠肺炎).

如果能夠讓大多數人都接種疫苗以實現群體免疫,這對於挽救生命和幫助國家從疫情破壞中恢復都是相當重要的。但截至 2021 年 7 月為止,仍有大約一半的美國成年人尚未接種​​疫苗。本指南將分享目前各類可靠來源的推廣工具和資訊, 這將幫助各個社區組織在其社區內鼓勵和傳遞相關訊息,讓居民接種COVID-19 新冠肺炎疫苗 。

Getting enough people vaccinated to achieve herd immunity is critical to saving lives and enabling the country to recover from the devastation of the pandemic, yet as of July 2021, around half of U.S. adults were still unvaccinated. This guide shares tools and information from trusted sources that will help community-based organizations encourage and communicate about COVID-19 vaccination within their communities. Category: COVID-19 Pandemic Medical/Healthcare on Sep 20, 2021

Distinguishing between vaccine fact and fiction (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | Distinguishing between vaccine fact and fiction (Chinese) 應對COVID-19 (新冠肺炎).


While many millions of Americans have been safely vaccinated, millions of others have not, with many basing their decision not to get the vaccine on inaccurate or misleading information. This publication counters specific vaccination objections with facts, explains why someone should get vaccinated, gives tips for recognizing and stemming vaccine misinformation/disinformation, and directs readers to resources that can help them get a vaccination. Category: COVID-19 Pandemic Medical/Healthcare on Sep 14, 2021

Lifeline and the Affordable Connectivity Program (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | Lifeline and the Affordable Connectivity Program (Chinese) 這是為低收入家庭所提供的電話和互聯網折扣優惠計劃.


計劃更新:由於缺乏國會的額外資金,可負擔互聯網通訊優惠計劃(ACP)已凍結並暫停新的 ACP 申請和註冊服務。如需獲得可負擔互聯網通訊優惠計劃(ACP)相關福利,消費者必需在美東時間二月七日晚上 11點59 分之前獲得各網路服務供應商的申請核准並且註冊。而已經加入 ACP 的消費者在 2024 年 4 月之前則可以繼續享受該計劃之福利。(這僅是一項估計,以後有可能會改變。)日後國會若是決定為 ACP 計劃提供更多撥款,FCC (聯邦通訊委員會)將會對於推動ACP計劃提供更進一步的指引和輔導。如果計劃將會延續,消費者行動(consumer Action)也會立即更新相關訊息。查詢詳情請至。

Broadband (high-speed) internet service is essential for conducting the necessary tasks of daily life, including learning and doing homework, telecommuting, looking for a job, banking, and accessing remote health services. This guide introduces the two federal programs that offer discounts on home broadband and wireless data service for qualifying low- and moderate-income households.

PROGRAM UPDATE: Due to a lack of additional funding from Congress, the Affordable Connectivity Program has placed a freeze on new ACP applications and enrollment. Consumers must be approved and enrolled with an internet service provider by 11:59 p.m. ET on Feb. 7 to receive the ACP benefit. Consumers who are enrolled in the ACP will continue to receive their benefit through April 2024. (This is an estimate, and could change.) If Congress decides to provide more funding for the ACP, the FCC will provide further guidance and instructions on how the program will proceed, and Consumer Action will update this message. Learn more here.
Category: Internet Telecom Wireless on Aug 26, 2021


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