Site Archives
Headline News
Consumer Action updates daily, headline news from a variety of news sources. The archive provides access in reverse chronological order, grouped by year, than month to allow for easier browsing.
- Headlines | Here is what airlines must do if your flight is canceled or delayed
- Headlines | Biden proposes airlines cover expenses for canceled flights
- Headlines | What the end of the Covid health emergency means for you
- Headlines | To become an Amazon Clinic patient, you sign away some privacy
- Chinese Headlines | Consumer Action outreach team helping communities register PG&E discounted programs
- Headlines | Banks are closing customer accounts, with little explanation
- Headlines | A federal tool could soon make it easier to compare credit cards
- Headlines | Consumer advocates seek to protect money transfer victims of fraud
- Headlines | How Cigna saves millions when its doctors reject claims without reading them
- Headlines | Here’s what deposit insurance covers
- Headlines | Insurers slashed Hurricane Ian payouts insiders reveal
- Chinese Headlines | Consumer Action Hosts PG&E Energy Discount Program Events
- Opinions & Editorials | The dirty little secret of credit card rewards
- Headlines | Supreme Court hears challenges to student loan forgiveness
- Headlines | Why the South has such low credit scores
- Headlines | FTC charges GoodRx with illegally disclosing customer health information
- Headlines | Big e-vehicle tax credit possible early next year
- Headlines | What to know about Southwest flight refunds and lost luggage
- Chinese Headlines | Holiday Shopping Safety Tips, & Consumer Action Community Services
- Chinese Headlines | Consumer Action 51st Anniversary, Consumer Education & Community Services
- Chinese Headlines | Consumer Action Community Educations and PG&E Low-Income Discounted Programs (Video)
- Headlines | Military veterans are more vulnerable to scams than civilians
- Headlines | Corporate landlords ‘aggressively’ evicted tenants during pandemic
- Headlines | Insurers and employers have to reveal health care prices
- Opinions & Editorials | Must-pass bills give Congress (another) chance to lower drug costs
- Chinese Headlines | Consumer Action Community Services and PG&E Discounted Program
- Headlines | Your digital footprint: It’s bigger than you realize
- Spanish Headlines | Estudio: Vacuna de Pfizer contra COVID da protección a niños
- Spanish Headlines | Cómo protegerse de las estafas más frecuentes
- Spanish Headlines | Legisladores de California debaten plan de salud universal
- Spanish Headlines | Cómo crear crédito cuando no lo tienes
- Spanish Headlines | Piden ley sobre privacidad tras reporte sobre “lobby” de Amazon
- Spanish Headlines | Ventajas y desventajas de Medicare Advantage
- Chinese Headlines | CA 50th Anniversary
- Headlines | Justice Department to expand redlining investigation efforts
- Spanish Headlines | Tiendas de dólar: ¿Son una oferta o no?
- Headlines | Consumer watchdog to probe Big Tech payment systems
- Spanish Headlines | Respuestas a tus preguntas sobre la vacuna contra el coronavirus en los niños
- Spanish Headlines | 13 estados que cobran impuestos por recibir beneficios del Seguro Social
- Spanish Headlines | Estadounidenses desembolsan $175 dólares más por mes, por inflación
- Spanish Headlines | Instagram suspende planes de lanzar versión para niños
- Spanish Headlines | Cómo administrar tus tarjetas de crédito
- Spanish Headlines | La pandemia afectó tu economía. Esto debes hacer
- Spanish Headlines | Lentes inteligentes: Facebook le da una oportunidad a la tecnología que hizo quedar mal a Google
- Spanish Headlines | Evita que una crisis de salud se convierta en una catástrofe financiera
- Headlines | CFPB wants to hear hear from small business owners about access to credit
- Headlines | HHS releases plan to lower drug prices
- Headlines | California aims to ban signage on non-recyclable ‘recyclables’
- Headlines | The state of consumer data privacy laws
- Spanish Headlines | Las vacunas se diseñaron contra la enfermedad grave y para eso son efectivas