Table of Contents
Stop the proposed first-class mail slowdown
Advocates urged the U.S. Postal Service to abandon its plan (effective Oct. 1) to slow down some first-class mail deliveries as part of effort to save money. Slowing down as much as 40% of first-class mail would not only leave the public’s needs and expectations unmet, it risks creating disparate impacts, hastening the public’s flight from the U.S. mail and further jeopardizing the Postal Service’s already fragile finances.
Groups contest major postage increase planned by USPS
In response to the U.S. Postal Service’s (USPS) proposed postage price increase, a coalition of trade associations and public and private companies joined Consumer Action in urging members of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security to oppose the plan to hike USPS postage prices for most mail by 7%. The coalition also called on legislators to direct a new review of the postal rate-setting system before the increases take effect.
US Postal Service advocates call for an end to CPI price cap
The Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) is reviewing the effects of the current rate system, capped by the Consumer Price Index (CPI), to see how it impacts the Postal Service's ability to meet the objectives stated in the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act. The coalition’s recommendations included eliminating the CPI cap, which places financial pressures on the Postal Service, putting the agency at risk. It holds back the necessary infrastructure changes, needed capital investments and the ability for the USPS to fix safety and health issues – such as replacing an outdated fleet of vehicles. It also strangles the USPS' ability to restore and protect good postal services.
Taking a stand for prompt, reliable mail service
54 organizations concerned with protecting prompt, reliable mail service, wrote Congress asking representatives to co-sponsor two bipartisan resolutions to protect and strengthen the United States Postal Service. Recent cuts to service provide little to no savings, are counterproductive, and are in opposition to the mission of the institution. Delayed or unreliable service drives away frustrated customers and businesses that are spending the same and getting less service, and leads to decreased revenue.
The SEC should make shareholder reports accessible to all
The Securities and Exchange Commission's proposed Rule 30e-3 would eliminate the current requirement that important mutual fund information be mailed to investors in paper form. This rule would greatly impact small investors around the country, including seniors and the 25 percent of households that don't have access to the Internet, many of whom reside in rural communities without broadband connectivity.
Postal Reform harms consumers, rural customers and small businesses
Instead of closing offices and ending Saturday service, Consumer Action recommends other savings options be explored before passing the Postal Reform Act.
Call for Postmaster General Donahoe’s resignation
Consumer Action joins Ralph Nader in a critical broadside highlighting fumbles by USPS leader.
Essential elements of effective postal reform
Consumer and policy groups call for five essential elements of effective postal reform.