This publication provides information on how to avoid problems with your wireless device and service.
The Cell Phone Savvy training module provides you with tools and materials that you can use to educate your clients and community about how to make wise wireless choices and avoid problems with wireless devices or service. It consists of a multilingual fact sheet, a training manual (FAQs), a lesson plan that includes class activities, a companion PowerPoint presentation, and a quiz with answer key.
This publication provides information on how to avoid problems with your wireless device and service.
Cell Phone Savvy Training Manual
This training manual, written in question-and-answer format, provides trainers with the background they need to answer consumers’ frequently asked questions about choosing, using and managing wireless service.
Cell Phone Savvy - Lesson Plan and Class Activities
Designed to be used in conjunction with the “Cell Phone Savvy PowerPoint Training Slides,” this packet contains a detailed curriculum for teaching consumers how to choose a wireless device and carrier, understand their wireless service contract, manage their wireless costs and avoid—or resolve—problems. It also includes a 20-question quiz and five case studies, which can be worked on individually or in small groups.
Cell Phone Savvy - PowerPoint Training Slides
Designed to be used in conjunction with the “Cell Phone Savvy Lesson Plan and Class Activities,” this 18-slide presentation not only engages participants visually, it also includes important subject matter information for trainers in the “Notes” section of each slide.
Test Your Knowledge About Wireless Communications
This Wireless Quiz is designed to help people test their knowledge about wireless phone services. An answer key and explanations are provided.
Esta publicación le ofrece información sobre cómo evitar problemas con su dispositivo y servicio móvil.
이 출판물은 모바일 장치와 서비스에 관련된 문제를 피하는 방법에 대한 정보를 제공합니다.
Ấn bản này cung cấp tài liệu về các phương thức tránh vấn đề xảy ra với máy và dịch vụ di động của quý vị.