Credit Card Terms

This module is designed to help participants to understand the different types of cards available; sort through offers to choose the card that’s right for them; understand credit card terms and conditions and avoid fees and penalty rates. The series includes a multilingual brochure (English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese), training manual, training guide and PowerPoint slides.


Publication List

Credit Cards - What You Need To Know

Credit Cards - What You Need To Know

Most people use credit cards—but do they know the terms of the agreement they have with their card issuer? This brochure is designed to help readers understand the different types of cards available; sort through offers to choose the card that’s right for them; understand credit card terms and conditions, and avoid fees and penalty rates.

Credit Cards - What You Need To Know - Training Manual

Credit Cards - What You Need To Know - Training Manual

This training manual, written in question-and-answer format, will help give trainers the background they need to help participants understand how credit cards work and that the way they use credit cards can have an important impact on their overall credit.

Credit Cards - What You Need To Know - Training Guide

Credit Cards - What You Need To Know - Training Guide

This 36-page training guide contains step-by-step guidance to conducting a two hour training, classroom activities and take-home worksheets. Each order for the Training Manual (see above) will be accompanied with a copy of the Training Guide. You may make as many copies of the Training Guide as you wish.

Credit Cards - What You Need To Know - PowerPoint Presentation

Credit Cards - What You Need To Know - PowerPoint Presentation

This 64-slide presentation will help trainers with access to PowerPoint projectors when they hold a training on the credit card project. You can download the PowerPoint slides from the Download field below.

Credit Cards - What You Need To Know (Spanish)

Credit Cards - What You Need To Know (Spanish)

La mayoría de las personas usan tarjetas de crédito, ¿pero saben ellos los términos del acuerdo que tienen con el emisor de su tarjeta? Este folleto está diseñado para ayudar a los lectores a comprender los diferentes tipos de tarjetas disponibles; encontrar entre las ofertas la tarjeta adecuada para ellos; comprender los términos y condiciones de las tarjetas de crédito, y evitar recargos de tasas de interés.

Credit Cards - What You Need To Know (Chinese)

Credit Cards - What You Need To Know (Chinese)

很多人使用信用卡 ﹣但是他們明白信用卡公司合約書上面那些專業用詞嗎?本手冊的編排內容專為協助讀者了解各類信用卡,讓你分類挑選最適合自己的,並可看懂信用卡合約書專業用詞以及條件,避免付費及罰金。

Credit Cards - What You Need To Know (Vietnamese)

Credit Cards - What You Need To Know (Vietnamese)

Hầu hết mọi người đều dùng thẻ tín dụng - nhưng họ có biết giới hạn và các điều kiện tín dụng với công ty cấp tín dụng. Cẩm nang này giúp người đọc hiểu rỏ hơn về các loại thẻ tín dụng; phân ra được những mời mọc để chọn thẻ thích hợp với người đó; hiểu biết giới hạn và điều kiện, và tránh chi phí và các phân phạt vạ.

Credit Cards - What You Need To Know (Korean)

Credit Cards - What You Need To Know (Korean)

모든 사람들이 크레딧 카드를 사용하지만 카드회사와의 카드 계약 조건에 대해 알고 있는 사람은 몇이나 될까요? 이 소책자는 여러가지 다른 종류의 카드에 대한 이해, 자신에게 가장 적합한 카드 선택 요령, 크레딧 카드 계약 조건의 이해, 불필요한 비용 및 벌금을 피하는 요령 등과 같은 도움을 주기위해 제작되었습니다.


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