Companies use consumer and specialty reports, much like credit reports, to determine such things as how likely you are to be a good employee, become ill or file an insurance claim. You have the right to see what is collected about you and to dispute inaccurate information.
Credit Reports, Credit Scores and Specialty Reports
This module contains information on what goes into the credit report and score, interpreting the credit score, improving credit rating, types of specialty reports, who should request their report, how to get your reports, your rights under the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and the Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act (FACTA).
Publication List
Credit Reports and Credit Scores
Your credit history has a significant impact on your ability to achieve important financial goals. Learn what information is collected about you, how to interpret and improve it, and what your rights are.
Credit & Specialty Reports and Credit Scores - PowerPoint Slides
The Credit & Specialty Reports and Credit Scores PowerPoint training file is available for download in the “Download File” section. The slides are suitable to show for train-the-trainer sessions or client presentations. Each slide contains teaching notes.
Credit & Specialty Reports and Credit Scores - Lesson Plan and Class Activities
This packet, only available as a PDF file, provides guidance for teachers and team leaders involved in financial literacy. The 50-page packet contains a detailed curriculum, classroom activities and worksheets.
Credit Reports and Credit Scores (Spanish)
Su informe de crédito tiene un importante impacto sobre su capacidad de lograr objetivos importantes. Aprenda sobre la información que se recolecta acerca de usted, cómo interpretarla y mejorarla, y cuáles son sus derechos.
Credit Reports and Credit Scores (Chinese)
Credit Reports and Credit Scores (Korean)
크레딧 히스토리는 여러분의 재정적인 목표 달성을 위한 능력에 중대한 영향을 줍니다. 수집되는 정보의 내용, 분석하고 향상시키는 요령, 여러분의 권리 등에 대해 알고 계십시오.
Credit Reports and Credit Scores (Vietnamese)
Quá khứ tín dụng của quý vị ảnh hưởng rất lớn đến khả năng đạt được các mục tiêu tài chánh quan trọng. Nên hiểu biết về các tin tức được thâu thập về quý vị, cách diễn nghĩa và cải thiện tín dụng, cũng như quyền hạn của quý vị là gì.