There are a variety of phones, communications methods, calling plans and carriers. This publication is designed to help you choose the equipment and services that best meet your needs.
This module is designed to help the participants choose the phone equipment and services that best meet their needs. It comes with five multi-lingual brochures, leader’s guide, training guide and powerpoint slides.
There are a variety of phones, communications methods, calling plans and carriers. This publication is designed to help you choose the equipment and services that best meet your needs.
This Leader’s Guide can help answer some questions about how to choose the best phone service for each individual and household.
You Make the Call —Training Guide
This training guide is designed to help trainers and teachers present a seminar on how to choose the best phone service for each individual and household. It covers phone service options such as landline, VoIP and wireless. It is available as a PDF download only. Companion brochure, leader’s guide and PowerPoint training slides are available.
You Make the Call — PowerPoint Training Slides
This PowerPoint training file outlines various residential phone services. It is available for download in the “Download File” section. Companion brochure, leader’s guide and lesson plan are available.
Existen una variedad de teléfonos, métodos de comunicación, planes de llamada y proveedores de servicios telefónicos. Esta publicación está diseñada para ayudarle a elegir el equipo y los servicios que más le convengan.
다양한 서비스 업체들이 여러 종류의 전화기와 통신 방법과 통화 플랜을 제공합니다. 이 책자는 여러분에게 적당한 장비와 서비스를 선택할 수 있도록 도움을 줍니다.
You Make the Call (Vietnamese)
Hiện có một số điện thoại, phương sách liên lạc, chương trình và công ty cung cấp dịch vụ. Ấn bản này giúp cho quý vị chọn các dụng cụ và dịch vụ thích hợp nhất theo nhu cầu của quý vị.