Consumer Action, Capital One host online banking webinars

Capital One partnered with Consumer Action in online banking webinars
Published: Sunday, February 05, 2017

Ready, Set, Bank (RSB) is a free online and in-person blended learning program designed to help seniors bridge the “digital divide” by learning about online and mobile banking. Capital One, along with its partners, Older Adults Technology Services (OATS), Grovo (a tech company that helps advance employee and organizational learning) and the National Council on Aging (NCOA), launched their “Ready, Set, Bank: Online Banking Made Easy” pilot program at the OATS Senior Planet Exploration Center in New York City before they and Consumer Action co-hosted two webinars on Dec. 8 to educate our organization’s community partners on the program. Sixty-seven of our community partners took advantage of the opportunity.

Kimberly Allman, director of community development banking at Capital One, taught both of the webinars, which can be accessed here.

Ready, Set, Bank incorporates short videos that are two minutes or less in length with hands-on training and printed materials in each course. Sample videos and course materials are available to view at the Ready, Set, Bank website. Community groups that are interested in using the full Ready, Set, Bank tool must register with Grovoe. Currently, the tool is only available in English, but there are plans to translate the material to Spanish.

“The tool is very user-friendly,” said Consumer Action’s Audrey Perrott. “And the short videos are engaging and take into consideration different learning styles. Some of Consumer Action’s partners and former grantees have already started using these resources, and I cannot wait for them to share best practices from what they’ve learned.”

Capital One and Consumer Action will co-host two remaining webinars, for which dates have yet to be determined. One will cover Capital One’s Digital Literacy Challenge (emphasizing the digital skills needed for today’s workforce) and the other will focus on CreditWise®—the company’s free credit monitoring tool, which provides consumers with access to credit scores, credit alerts, credit score simulators and more.




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