Helpful Resources for Consumer Action Financial Literacy Workshop Leaders

The Consumer Action staff prepared this guide to some online resources that can help you prepare for workshops and trainings.
Published: Monday, August 16, 2010

Handout: Key Basic Steps to Help Improve Personal Finances This one-page sheet by Consumer Action describes concrete steps that consumers can take to build or improve their finances. Included are phone numbers and web addresses for help with everything from overwhelming debt to finding work. Click here to read or download.

Handout:Provisions in the new credit card law The Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure (CARD) Act provides many new consumer protections. Consumer Action’s fact sheet summarizes the new provisions. Click here to read or download.

Handout: Don’t Get Caught in the Debt Settlement Trap This fact sheet from Consumer Action, Consumer Federation of America, Consumers Union and the National Consumer Law Center provides tips on how debt settlement companies can leave consumers further in debt. Click here to read.

Background: Federal Trade Commission Press Release: FTC Charges Credit Card Companies with Deceptive Marketing (11/3/09) This press release describes charges filed against a catalog credit card operation and provides a good example of types of offers that consumers should be wary of when building or rebuilding credit. Click here to read.

Handout: Your Credit Card Rights: Consumer Facts for Older Americans This fact sheet from the National Consumer Law Center has good information for seniors and for any other credit card user. It provides details about three separate types of protections available to consumers dealing with credit card disputes. Click here to read.

Handout: Credit Repair How to Help Yourself This Federal Trade Commission fact sheet includes tips on recognizing credit repair scams, a summary of the Credit Repair Organizations Act and an annual credit report request form. Click here to download a PDF copy.

Handout: Understanding Debit Cards Consumer Action’s booklet on debit cards describes how debit cards work and includes information about which protections are required by federal law and which are only voluntarily provided by card issuers. Click here to read or download.

Handout/Newsletter: Consumer Action News (Fall 2009) The article “Prepaid debit cards not good alternative to bank accounts” in the fall 2009 issue of Consumer Action’s newsletter includes tips for using pre-paid cards and highlights the findings of a Consumer’s Union report about prepaid card terms and conditions. Click here to read or download.

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Helpful Resources for Consumer Action Financial Literacy Workshop Leaders   (fin_lit_resources.pdf)




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