Webinars explain new cross-border credit reporting tool

Nova’s business development team and Consumer Action’s Nelson Santiago facilitate webinars on May 9.
Published: Thursday, April 05, 2018

Consumer Action and Nova Credit Inc., a cross-border credit reporting agency, join forces to co-host two webinars on May 9 to educate community partners who serve expats, foreign nationals or immigrants about Nova’s international credit reporting service and Consumer Action’s credit publications. Collin Galster of Nova’s business development team and Consumer Action’s Nelson Santiago will facilitate the webinars. Active network partners will receive an emailed invitation in early April. We hope many of our community partners can join the informative sessions.

You must register in advance for the live webinar and choose the morning OR afternoon session. (The sessions are identical.)

What you will learn in this webinar:

  • Innovation creating opportunity to serve consumers that lack domestic credit history
  • The technology frontiers of international credit data
  • An overview of globalization and access to credit
  • How immigrants can overcome today's environment

Network partners will have the opportunity to learn about Nova Credit Passport® and how it aids newcomers to the U.S. arriving from Mexico, India, China and other countries to share their credit history from their homeland with financial service providers in the U.S. Partners will also learn about Consumer Action’s credit education resources and how to use them in their financial capability programs.

“It’s challenging for immigrant consumers to navigate the financial landscape in America, let alone establish credit,” said Consumer Action’s Audrey Perrott. “We are pleased to provide our partners with an opportunity to learn about the Nova Passport, which can help to unlock access to credit for immigrant consumers. As we all know, a credit history is needed for almost everything in America.”

Nova was part of the third cohort of innovators in the 2017 JPMorgan Chase Financial Solutions Lab, a virtual business development lab funded by Chase and managed by the Center for Financial Services Innovation (CFSI). The lab represents a five-year commitment and $30 million investment in innovative technology designed to meet the financial health needs of low-to-moderate-income (LMI) and underrepresented consumers.

Nova Credit is based in San Francisco. It’s backed by Index Ventures, First Round Capital, NYCA and Core Innovation Capital. For more information, visit www.neednova.com.




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