Consumer Action garners strong constituency support for 62 MPG standard

Contact: Linda Sherry, Consumer Action, 202-544-3088

Consumer Action has submitted 221 sign-ons to a petition to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and President Obama asking that 62 MPG become the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standard for new vehicles by 2025.

“Our nation has the opportunity to set fuel efficiency standards that can save consumers money at the pump and decrease carbon pollution,” said Ken McEldowney, executive director of Consumer Action. “The technology exists to build vehicles that save fuel while enhancing safety, performance, and consumer amenities. That means we can build clean vehicles at a price consumers can afford. Not only could new cars average 62 miles per gallon in 2025, these vehicles would save up to 1.3 billion barrels of oil and save consumers thousands of dollars.”

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Consumer Action has been a champion of underrepresented consumers nationwide since 1971. A nonprofit 501(c)3 organization, Consumer Action focuses on financial education that empowers low to moderate income and limited-English-speaking consumers to financially prosper. It also advocates for consumers in the media and before lawmakers to advance consumer rights and promote industry-wide change.




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