Woman gets $34,927.43 bill for coronavirus treatment

Source: Brooke Seipel - The Hill

A woman in the United States says she was billed $34,927.43 after being tested and treated for the coronavirus, Time magazine reports. 

When Danni Askini first came down with the symptoms of the virus — shortness of breath, a fever, a cough and migraines — she was told by a doctor to go to the emergency room. There, she was told she had pneumonia and could go home. She visited the emergency room two more times as her symptoms persisted and worsened before she was finally tested for the coronavirus. Three days later her results showed she had COVID-19. 

The tests and her treatment for the viral illness all took place while Askini was uninsured and before President Trump signed congressional measures ensuring free diagnostic testing. After, she got a bill totaling $34,927.43. 

Read Full Article: Woman gets $34,927.43 bill for coronavirus treatment




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