Chinese Library

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Library of Chinese Publications, Sorted by Date

Headlines & Press Releases


Thursday, September 05, 2024

Chinese Headlines | 消費者行動 華埠談電子產品維修權


Thursday, August 15, 2024

Chinese Headlines | 消费者行动推介最新提案


Thursday, July 11, 2024

Chinese Press Release | CFPB 提議使用多元語言協助屋主貸款避免成為法拍屋


Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Chinese Headlines | 消费者行动提供电子产品咨询服务


Tuesday, February 06, 2024

Chinese Headlines | 消费者行动参与奥克兰农历新年街会

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Giving Yourself Some Credit (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | Giving Yourself Some Credit (Chinese) .

本文內容詳述何謂信貸﹑如何申請及使用等。同時說明信貸評級﹑信用報告機構﹐以及消費者定期查核個人信用報告是否正確無誤的重要性。也有解說何謂公平信貸法 (Equal Credit Opportunity Act).

An illustrated fact sheet describing what credit is, how to obtain it, and how to use it. Also describes credit ratings, credit bureaus, and the importance of consumers periodically reviewing a copy of their credit report for accuracy. Explains the Equal Credit Opportunity Act.

Category: Credit on Apr 02, 1993

Surviving and Controlling Debt (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | Surviving and Controlling Debt (Chinese) Know What You Want.


An illustrated fact sheet that discusses the importance of managing debt so that it does not become a problem. Explains debt danger signals and how to reduce debt. Also explains collection agencies, debt counseling, and bankruptcy.

Category: Banking Money Management on Apr 02, 1993

Banking Basics (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | Banking Basics (Chinese) Checking Account Check List.

本文內容詳述如何開立支票戶口。解說各種不同戶口及其收費﹑支票使用流程﹑自動存款和轉帳﹐以及銀行自動櫃員機(ATM) 提款卡/轉帳卡等等。

An illustrated fact sheet that explains how to open a checking account. Explains different kinds of accounts and their fees, check processing, automatic deposit and bill paying, and ATM/debit cards.

Category: Banking Money Management on Apr 02, 1993

Budgeting and Planning (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | Budgeting and Planning (Chinese) Building a Better Future.


An illustrated fact sheet explaining how to control financial problems by budgeting and planning. Explains the functions of a budget, how to do a cash flow analysis, and how to create a workable budget. Also describes how to stick to a budget and make it work.

Category: Banking Money Management on Apr 02, 1993

California Immigrants and Credit (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | California Immigrants and Credit (Chinese) .

本文專門向加州移民解說有關信貸問題: 申請資格﹑如何正確使用﹑如何避免發生問題等。而且針對貸款公司﹑信用記錄﹑信用報告機構﹑信用詐騙及信貸濫用等均有討論。內容並包括簡短的信貸專有名詞以及社區資源名單以便提供更多資訊。

A fact sheet designed to explain credit to California immigrants: how to qualify for it, how to use it properly, and how to avoid problems. Discusses creditors, credit history, credit bureaus, scams, and abuses. Includes a short glossary of credit terms and a listing of community resources for further information.

Category: Credit on Apr 01, 1993


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