Multi-Lingual Library: Buying a Home

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You can buy a home - The keys to homeownership (Hmong)

Library: MultiLanguages | You can buy a home - The keys to homeownership (Hmong) .

Kev yuav tsev yog ib qho uas tseem ceeb tshaj ua koj yuav tau tshwm nyiaj yuav nyob hauv koj lub neej. Daim ntawv no yuav qhia txog tej yam tseemceeb uas tej tus yuav tsev yuavtsum paub, xwsli yuav npaj dabtsi ua ntej, seb cov nqi yuav muaj li cas, xyuas seb lub tsev twg yuav zoo rau yus, nrhiav chaw txais nyiaj thiab yuav muab tus nqi (offer) li cas.
Buying a home is one of the most important purchases you’ll ever make. In this brochure, we cover key topics for potential homeowners, including preparing to buy a home, predicting homeownership costs, finding the right home, shopping for a mortgage and making an offer.

Filed Under: Housing Buying a Home Home Financing Mortgages on Sep 06, 2012

You can buy a home - The keys to homeownership (Cambodian)

Library: MultiLanguages | You can buy a home - The keys to homeownership (Cambodian) .

Buying a home is one of the most important purchases you’ll ever make. In this brochure, we cover key topics for potential homeowners, including preparing to buy a home, predicting homeownership costs, finding the right home, shopping for a mortgage and making an offer.

Filed Under: Housing Buying a Home Home Financing Mortgages on Jul 13, 2007

You can buy a home - The keys to homeownership (Laotian)

Library: MultiLanguages | You can buy a home - The keys to homeownership (Laotian) .

Buying a home is one of the most important purchases you’ll ever make. In this brochure, we cover key topics for potential homeowners, including preparing to buy a home, predicting homeownership costs, finding the right home, shopping for a mortgage and making an offer.

Filed Under: Housing Buying a Home Home Financing Mortgages on Jul 13, 2007


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