California Lifeline training materials
To help you engage your audience while teaching the California Lifeline module, Consumer Action's outreach and training staff has developed a set of interactive training materials and handouts.
Published: Tuesday, March 04, 2008
California Lifeline Quiz:
Similar to the famous Jeopardy game, our Quiz is a truly creative and interactive tool to review and reinforce participants’ knowledge on the Lifeline services provided in California.
Click here to download the PowerPoint slides for the quiz. For instructions on how to utilize this game, click here.Toll Free Numbers for California Lifeline Service: The list includes telephone numbers for consumers requesting assistance in English, Spanish and Chinese on how to start the California Lifeline service, check the status of current applications, or file a complaint with the appropriate regulator. Click here to download the list of toll free numbers.
Lifeline Public Assistance Programs: This handout provides a detailed description of various federal and state programs such as Medicaid/Medical, Supplemental Security Income and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). Click here to download a PDF file of the Public Assistance Programs.