Publications List
Consumer Action has built an extensive, one-of-a-kind collection of consumer education publications—all available in English, and many available in Spanish, Chinese, Spanish, Vietnamese and Korean as well. In addition to being available, at no charge, to individual consumers, our materials are free to government agencies, nonprofits and other community-based organizations who wish to distribute them for educational purposes. The downloadable PDF file on the publication webpage makes it easy to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer.
- California Health Records Privacy Wallet Card
- Coronavirus vaccination outreach resources for community-based organizations: Coping with COVID-19
- Coronavirus vaccination outreach resources for community-based organizations (Chinese): 應對COVID-19 (新冠肺炎)
- Coronavirus vaccination outreach resources for community-based organizations (Korean): COVID-19에 대한 대응
- Coronavirus vaccination outreach resources for community-based organizations (Spanish): Cómo hacerle frente al COVID-19
- Coronavirus vaccination outreach resources for community-based organizations (Vietnamese): Đối Phó với COVID-19
- Distinguishing between vaccine fact and fiction: Coping with COVID-19
- Distinguishing between vaccine fact and fiction (Chinese): 應對COVID-19 (新冠肺炎)
- Distinguishing between vaccine fact and fiction (Korean): COVID-19에 대한 대응
- Distinguishing between vaccine fact and fiction (Spanish): Cómo hacerle frente al COVID-19
- Distinguishing between vaccine fact and fiction (Vietnamese): Đối Phó với COVID-19
- Employer-sponsored health plans - PowerPoint training slides
- Financial health and FinTech COVID relief
- Get Covered: Choosing and using Medicare
- Get Covered: Choosing and using Medicare (Chinese)
- Get Covered: Choosing and using Medicare (Korean)
- Get Covered: Choosing and using Medicare (Spanish)
- Get Covered: Choosing and using Medicare (Vietnamese)
- Get Covered: Navigating private and government health insurance
- Get Covered: Navigating private and government health insurance (Chinese)
- Get Covered: Navigating private and government health insurance (Korean)
- Get Covered: Navigating private and government health insurance (Spanish)
- Get Covered: Navigating private and government health insurance (Vietnamese)
- Get Covered: Understanding your employer-sponsored health plan
- Get Covered: Understanding your employer-sponsored health plan (Chinese)
- Get Covered: Understanding your employer-sponsored health plan (Korean)
- Get Covered: Understanding your employer-sponsored health plan (Spanish)
- Get Covered: Understanding your employer-sponsored health plan (Vietnamese)
- Health Insurance Evaluation
- Health Records Privacy in California: Protecting your privacy as patient records go digital
- Health Records Privacy in California - PowerPoint Training Slides
- Health Records Privacy in California - Seminar Lesson Plan and Class Activity
- Health Records Privacy in California (Chinese): 當醫療記錄數據化以後,你應確保個人隱私權
- Health Records Privacy in California (Korean): 의료정보 전산화로인한 개인정보 보호하기
- Health Records Privacy in California (Spanish): Cómo proteger la privacidad de sus registros médicos digitales
- Health Records Privacy in California (Vietnamese): Bảo vệ sự riêng tư khi hồ sơ bệnh nhân được lưu trữ trong kỹ thuật điện số
- Health Records Privacy in California Q&A: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
- Individual health insurance - PowerPoint training slides
- Medicare - PowerPoint training slides
- Medicare True-or-False
- Money Management 1-2-3: THREE: Planning a Secure Future
- Money Management 1-2-3: THREE: Planning a Secure Future (Chinese)
- Money Management 1-2-3: THREE: Planning a Secure Future (Korean)
- Money Management 1-2-3: THREE: Planning a Secure Future (Spanish)
- Money Management 1-2-3: THREE: Planning a Secure Future (Vietnamese)
- Questions and answers about individual, group and government health insurance options
- Resources for consumers impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak
- Resources for consumers impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak (Chinese)
- Resources for consumers impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak (Spanish)
- Servicemembers and Veterans Financial Empowerment Resource Sheet