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Broad opposition to bill that would allow undoing of dozens of regulations finalized near end of Biden term
In a letter to Congressional leaders, a broad range of advocacy groups expressed their opposition to the H.R. 115, the Midnight Rules Relief Act of 2023, which would allow a new, incoming administration to use the Congressional Review Act to simultaneously undo numerous recently finalized regulations.
Organizations oppose misleadingly named College Cost Reduction Act
Consumer Action joined allies in a legislative alert urging lawmakers to vote NO on the College Cost Reduction Act (HR 6951), should the bill move to a floor vote. Despite its name, the CCRA could lead to higher student debt burdens, open the door to predatory practices, and funnel financial aid dollars into the pockets of investors and for-profit college leaders.
Advocates support legislation to enhance consumer artificial intelligence literacy
Advocates expressed support for legislation—the Consumer Literacy and Empowerment to Advance Responsible Navigation of AI (Consumers LEARN AI) Act—that would enhance consumer awareness of and confidence in the use of artificial intelligence products and services.
Advocates urge mark-up and vote on Forced Arbitration Injustice Repeal (FAIR) Act
In response to Disney’s attempt to quash a wrongful death lawsuit by invoking the forced arbitration clause in its Disney+ trial subscription, advocates urged Congress to mark up the Forced Arbitration Injustice Repeal (FAIR) Act (S 1376 and HR 2953), and to bring the legislation to a vote so that Americans can regain their fundamental right to justice through the court system.
Advocates support bill to increase protections for bank account and payment app users
Consumer Action was among supporters of federal legislation designed to protect consumers from fraud perpetrated via person-to-person payment apps and bank accounts, which resulted in reported losses totaling $10 billion in 2023.
Task force urges steps to prevent prescription drug shortages
The Task Force on Preventing and Mitigating Drug Shortages, of which Consumer Action is a member, urged lawmakers to prioritize the issue of preventing and mitigating drug shortages—a situation that has for years impacted millions of Americans and resulted in serious negative consequences for patients, health systems and hospitals.
Coalition supports the Stop Corporate Capture Act
The Coalition for Sensible Safeguards wrote to House leadership to express strong support for the Stop Corporate Capture Act (HR 1507), which would codify Chevron deference into law and protect regulatory agencies’ ability to protect the public.
Support for legislation to lower prescription prices for U.S. consumers
Consumer Action expressed support for legislation that would amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to allow American wholesalers, pharmacies and individuals to import affordable and safe drugs from Canada, the United Kingdom, the European Union, and Switzerland as a way to make prescriptions more affordable.
97 organizations sign letter opposing House Majority’s FY25 spending proposal
Nearly a hundred organizations voiced their opposition to the House Majority’s FY25 spending proposal, which would make drastic cuts to the IRS and block implementation of the new Direct File program, which provides a free tax filing option for eligible taxpayers.
Organizations welcome FAA reauthorization agreement, but advocate for improvements
Consumer Action lent its voice to a public statement supporting the bill to reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), while also urging senators to support additional amendments that would provide crucial airline passenger rights and protections.