Library: English | Choosing a Prepaid Card - PowerPoint Training Slides
The Choosing a Prepaid Card PowerPoint training file is available for download in the “Download File” section.
Category: Banking Money Management Prepaid Cards on Oct 15, 2015All Consumer Action publications are available online, with most also available as a PDF download. Government agencies, nonprofits and other community-based organizations who wish to distribute our publications for educational purposes can use the PDF file to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer.
Library: English | Choosing a Prepaid Card - PowerPoint Training Slides
The Choosing a Prepaid Card PowerPoint training file is available for download in the “Download File” section.
Category: Banking Money Management Prepaid Cards on Oct 15, 2015Library: English | Choosing a Prepaid Card - Seminar Lesson Plan and Class Activities
This 24-page packet, only available as a PDF download, contains a detailed curriculum for teaching how to choose, use and manage a prepaid card wisely, and two classroom activities that provide an opportunity for participants to apply what they’ve learned.
Category: Banking Money Management Prepaid Cards on Oct 15, 2015Library: English | Choosing a Prepaid Card: A Backgrounder
The “Choosing a Prepaid Card” training manual provides the answers to many of the questions that a consumer shopping for a reloadable prepaid card might have, from “Where can I find a list of the card’s fees?” to “Whom do I contact if I have a problem with my card?”
Category: Banking Money Management Prepaid Cards on Oct 14, 2015Library: English | A Consumer’s Guide to Choosing a Prepaid Card
A prepaid card that charges low fees, comes with desirable features and offers strong consumer protections can be a good choice for many consumers. This publication will help you learn how to compare your options and choose the best prepaid card for your needs.
Category: Banking Money Management Prepaid Cards on Jun 16, 2015Library: English | The Right Overdraft Protection Plan: A wise choice
Spending more money than is in your checking account can be a costly mistake. This fact sheet presents the consequences of overdrawing your account, the high cost of “courtesy” overdraft coverage, the better overdraft protection plans that exist and tips for avoiding overdrafts altogether.
Category: Banking Money Management on Mar 10, 2015Library: English | Checking and Savings Accounts - PowerPoint Training Slides
This downloadable PowerPoint presentation is designed to be used in conjunction with the “Checking and Savings Accounts” lesson plan. The slides provide a visual component to the training that will help to engage learners and improve retention.
Category: Banking Money Management on Feb 26, 2014Library: English | Checking and Savings Accounts - Seminar Lesson Plan and Class Activities
This downloadable packet guides community educators through a two-hour presentation on selecting, opening, using and managing checking and savings accounts. In addition to the lesson plan (to be used in conjunction with the downloadable PowerPoint presentation), the packet includes exercises, resources and a class evaluation form.
Category: Banking Money Management on Feb 25, 2014Library: English | An Employee’s Guide to Payroll Cards
This four-page guide is designed to help employees who work for companies that offer a payroll card to determine whether that is their best option, understand how the cards work and how to avoid fees, and know their rights.
Category: Banking Credit Consumer Rights Money Management Prepaid Cards on Feb 19, 2014Library: English | Questions & Answers about Bank Accounts
This backgrounder answers many questions about checking and savings accounts in much greater detail than the companion brochure. Written in Q&A format, the guide includes in-depth information on more than a dozen banking topics, from selecting a bank account, using an ATM and understanding overdraft protection to overcoming barriers to getting an account and how to use online and mobile banking services.
Category: Banking Money Management on Jan 29, 2014Library: English | Checking and Savings Accounts: A wise choice
This fact sheet presents the basics of checking and savings accounts, highlighting the advantages they offer over “fringe” banking services such as check cashers. The publication covers, among other topics, how checking and savings accounts work, how to choose a financial institution and open an account, and how to reduce or avoid account fees.
Category: Banking Money Management on Jan 22, 2014