English Library: Money Management

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Get Credit for Your Hard Work (2024 Tax Year)

Library: English | Get Credit for Your Hard Work (2024 Tax Year): Low- and moderate-income earners may qualify for the Earned Income Tax Credit
The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) helps low-income working taxpayers and families get more money back when they file their federal income tax return. This publication contains EITC guidelines for the 2024 tax year (for taxes due in April 2025). Category: Money Management Taxes on Dec 31, 2024

Money Management 1-2-3: ONE: Getting a Strong Start

Library: English | Money Management 1-2-3: ONE: Getting a Strong Start
The “Money Management 1-2-3: Be Smart About Money All Your Life” series focuses on basic money management skills at the beginner, intermediate and advanced level. Part one, Getting a Strong Start, addresses how to manage your income, use credit wisely and live within your means. Topics include understanding your pay stub, creating a budget, setting up bank accounts, establishing and building good credit, and managing student loans. Category: Banking Credit Foreclosure Money Management Student Loans Taxes on Sep 03, 2024

Money Management 1-2-3: TWO: Achieving Financial Goals

Library: English | Money Management 1-2-3: TWO: Achieving Financial Goals
The “Money Management 1-2-3: Be Smart About Money All Your Life” series focuses on basic money management skills at the beginner, intermediate and advanced level. Part two, Achieving Financial Goals, addresses updating your budget, accumulating a nest egg and protecting your assets. Topics include budgeting and debt management, saving and investing, homeownership and insurance. Category: Credit Debt Collection Housing Insurance Investing Mortgages Money Management Taxes on Sep 03, 2024

Money Management 1-2-3: THREE: Planning a Secure Future

Library: English | Money Management 1-2-3: THREE: Planning a Secure Future
The “Money Management 1-2-3: Be Smart About Money All Your Life” series focuses on basic money management skills at the beginner, intermediate and advanced level. Part three, Planning a Secure Future, focuses on leaving the workforce, funding your retirement and protecting what you've accumulated. Topics include tapping your investments and home equity, staying adequately insured, managing medical expenses, the basics of estate planning and, for some grandparents, raising a second family. Category: Insurance Investing Medical/Healthcare Mortgages Money Management on Sep 03, 2024

Share Financial Data with Care (Policy Briefing) – Video

Library: English | Share Financial Data with Care (Policy Briefing) – Video
Consumer groups and the financial industry are aligned and working together on data privacy standards to help make FinTech app use safer, give consumers more control over their data, and educate consumers on the safe use of apps. Category: FinTech Internet Money Management Privacy Rights Technology on Oct 26, 2021

Share Financial Data with Care (Webinar) – Video

Library: English | Share Financial Data with Care (Webinar) – Video
The webinar covers how financial information is stored, used and sold; financial app practices and how consumers can gain control over their data; what consumers can do to protect their privacy when using FinTech apps and tools; how to become familiar with and use the tools and services offered by banks; and resources, tips and tools that consumers can use to ensure that their financial information is protected. Category: FinTech Internet Money Management Privacy Rights Technology on Aug 18, 2021

Privacy and security when using FinTech apps

Library: English | Privacy and security when using FinTech apps: Share financial data with care
This fact sheet gives FinTech users the knowledge to make wise decisions when choosing and using FinTech apps, take effective steps to keep their financial account data safe, and understand their options if something goes wrong. (Our companion guide, What you need to know about how FinTech apps work, offers an overview of financial technology and what privacy and security considerations users should be aware of before choosing and using digital financial tools.) Category: FinTech Internet Money Management Privacy Rights Technology on Feb 16, 2021

What you need to know about how FinTech apps work

Library: English | What you need to know about how FinTech apps work: Share financial data with care
Financial technology can offer attractive benefits for consumers who want to take their personal finances digital. But, like all internet-based tools and services, FinTech apps need to be chosen and used with care. This publication explains the types of FinTech tools available, how they work, and what that means for your data privacy and security. (Our companion guide, Privacy and security when using fintech apps, offers actionable tips for managing and protecting your data.) Category: FinTech Internet Money Management Privacy Rights Technology on Feb 16, 2021

Stay security savvy: Share financial data with care – Video

Library: English | Stay security savvy: Share financial data with care – Video
Financial technology—FinTech—makes it possible to accomplish all sorts of useful financial tasks quickly and easily from a computer, smartphone or tablet. From paying a friend to updating your budget, these tools can save you time and money, and even help you achieve your financial goals. But before you put FinTech to work for you, it’s important to understand how these apps and tools work so that you can get the most out of them while also protecting your personal and account information. Category: FinTech Internet Money Management Privacy Rights Technology on Feb 01, 2021

Establishing or replenishing emergency savings

Library: English | Establishing or replenishing emergency savings: Coping with COVID-19
Many consumers went into the COVID-19 crisis with little or no savings, while others depleted theirs trying to stay afloat after losing their jobs. This guide covers the purpose of, and target balance for, an emergency fund, what to consider when choosing where to keep your fund, tips and inspiration to help you reach your goal, and a list of some FinTech tools that can help savers get and stay on track. Category: COVID-19 Pandemic Money Management on Oct 22, 2020


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