English Library: Credit Reports/Scores
All Consumer Action publications are available online, with most also available as a PDF download. Government agencies, nonprofits and other community-based organizations who wish to distribute our publications for educational purposes can use the PDF file to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer.
Library: English | Understanding Your Credit Score
Your credit score is a “snapshot” of your credit history that is used by lenders, insurers and others to assess your creditworthiness and the likelihood that you will pay your bills and repay outstanding loans. This publication explains how to learn your score, how to interpret it and how to maintain or improve it.
Category: Credit Credit Reports/Scores Credit Scores on Feb 26, 2008
Library: English | Questions & Answers About Subprime Lending
This eight-page training guide, written in a question-and-answer format, discusses subprime lending and its pitfalls from a consumer advocacy perspective. The guide covers risk-based pricing of loans, subprime loans, credit scoring, predatory lending, illegal practices, and how consumers can protect themselves and fight back if they become victims.
Category: Credit Credit Reports/Scores Credit Scores on Apr 01, 2004
Library: English | Poor Credit means Higher Interest Rates - How to avoid bad loans
This brochure addresses “subprime” loans offered to people with credit problems. While consumers with poor credit can find fairly priced mortgages, car loans and credit cards at higher-than-average rates, this population is easily victimized by very bad deals called predatory lending. This brochure covers illegal lending practices, warning signs of bad loans, how to avoid becoming a victim, filing a compaint and resources for advice and assistance.
Category: Credit Credit Reports/Scores on Apr 01, 2004
Library: English | Privacy and Your Credit Report
Our personal financial information is more easily available and far less secure in the computer age than it was in the days of old-fashioned filing cabinets. “Privacy and Your Credit Report” explains why the information contained in your credit report can, in the wrong hands, be used to abuse your privacy. It also explains how California residents have strong privacy rights with new laws and an office of privacy protection.
Category: Credit Credit Fraud Credit Reports/Scores Fraud/Scams Privacy Rights on Jun 23, 2003