Publications List
Consumer Action creates unbiased, reader-friendly educational guides on a wide range of personal finance topics and other subjects of interest to consumers. All publications are available in English, and many are available in Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese and Korean as well.
In addition to being available, at no charge, to individual consumers, our publications are distributed through a national network of more than 6,000 community-based organizations. Government agencies, nonprofits and other groups who wish to distribute our materials for educational purposes can use the downloadable PDF file on the publication webpage to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer.
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- Affordable Connectivity Program (Tribal Lands): Tribal lands residents can get free internet service with enhanced benefit
- Press release: Survey shows Californians are still unaware of privacy rights: Greater educational outreach, better rights notices would help residents get more out of the California Consumer Privacy Act
- Executive Summary: Survey Shows Too Many Californians Are Still Unaware of Privacy Rights
- Survey Report: Too Many Californians Are Still Unaware of Privacy Rights
- Take action! Exercise your rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act
- CCPA privacy survey results at a glance
- The Role of Data Networks in the FinTech Ecosystem (Webinar) – Video
- Safer connections: How data networks help you manage your financial data
- Understanding the data networks that help you connect your bank accounts to FinTech apps
- Share Financial Data with Care (Policy Briefing) – Video
- Coronavirus vaccination outreach resources for community-based organizations (Spanish): Cómo hacerle frente al COVID-19
- Distinguishing between vaccine fact and fiction (Spanish): Cómo hacerle frente al COVID-19
- Share Financial Data with Care (Webinar) – Video
- Lifeline and the Affordable Connectivity Program (Spanish): Teléfono e internet con descuento para los hogares de bajos ingresos
- Coronavirus vaccination outreach resources for community-based organizations: Coping with COVID-19
- Distinguishing between vaccine fact and fiction: Coping with COVID-19
- Steering clear of pandemic-related scams (Spanish): Cómo hacerle frente al COVID-19
- Lifeline and the Affordable Connectivity Program: Discounted phone and internet for low-income households
- Steering clear of pandemic-related scams: Coping with COVID-19
- Avoid pandemic-related ID theft and account fraud (Spanish): Cómo hacerle frente al COVID-19
- Privacy and security when using FinTech apps (Spanish): Comparta datos financieros con precaución
- What you need to know about how FinTech apps work (Spanish): Comparta datos financieros con precaución
- Avoid pandemic-related ID theft and account fraud: Coping with COVID-19
- Privacy and security when using FinTech apps: Share financial data with care
- What you need to know about how FinTech apps work: Share financial data with care