English Library: Wireless
All Consumer Action publications are available online, with most also available as a PDF download. Government agencies, nonprofits and other community-based organizations who wish to distribute our publications for educational purposes can use the PDF file to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer.
Library: English | Wireless Phone Service: Learn how to get results
Whether you see your cell phone as a convenience or a necessity, you want service that will meet your
needs at the best price. This fact sheet explains your options for wireless service. It also provides tips
for managing your wireless costs, protecting yourself against fraud and theft, and handling billing or
service issues.
Category: Telecom Wireless on Jan 10, 2011
Library: English | You Make the Call —Training Guide
This training guide is designed to help trainers and teachers present a seminar on how to choose the best phone service for each individual and household. It covers phone service options such as landline, VoIP and wireless. It is available as a PDF download only. Companion brochure, leader’s guide and PowerPoint training slides are available.
Category: Telecom Wireless on Dec 28, 2007
Library: English | You Make the Call — PowerPoint Training Slides
This PowerPoint training file outlines various residential phone services. It is available for download in the “Download File” section. Companion brochure, leader’s guide and lesson plan are available.
Category: Telecom Wireless on Dec 27, 2007
Library: English | Protect Your Phone Records
Phone records are an important source of private information that someone might try to access without your consent for illegal or harmful purposes. This publication can help you understand who would want to access your phone records, why they might want to do it, how they try to access your private information and what you can do to reduce the chances of becoming a victim. A companion Leader’s Guide is available.
Category: Fraud/Scams Privacy Rights Telecom Wireless on Aug 28, 2007
Library: English | Protect Your Phone Records - Leader’s Guide
Pretexting is a method of obtaining someone else’s personal information, including phone records, under false pretenses. This Leader’s Guide, written in question-and-answer format, will help give trainers background on the techniques pretexters use, the damage they can do to victims, various laws and regulations that keep phone records private, how to protect personal data and how victims can file complaints. A companion brochure is available.
Category: Fraud/Scams Privacy Rights Telecom Wireless on Aug 27, 2007
Library: English | Choosing a Wireless Service Provider
The wireless world offers broad choices among service providers, calling plans, and phones. Low-priced equipment and rates make wireless calling affordable for many individuals and families. Plus, today’s cell phone is not just for talking - it can be used to snap photos, surf the Internet, send email, play games, and more. With so much to choose from, it can be a challenge to figure out what’s best for you.
Category: Telecom Wireless on Oct 12, 2006