Korean Library: Credit
All Consumer Action publications are available online, with most also available as a PDF download. Government agencies, nonprofits and other community-based organizations who wish to distribute our publications for educational purposes can use the PDF file to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer.
Library: Korean | Money Management 1-2-3: ONE: Getting a Strong Start (Korean) . The “Money Management 1-2-3: Be Smart About Money All Your Life” series focuses on basic money management skills at the beginner, intermediate and advanced level. Part one, Getting a Strong Start, addresses how to manage your income, use credit wisely and live within your means. Topics include understanding your pay stub, filing your tax returns, creating a budget, setting up bank accounts, establishing and building good credit and managing student loans. Filed Under: Banking Credit Credit Reports/Scores Money Management Student Loans Taxes on Sep 03, 2024
Library: Korean | Micro business: Preparing for success (Korean) .
Starting a very small—or micro—business can be the key to long-term professional and financial success. But since many businesses do not make it past the first few years, becoming an entrepreneur is not a decision to make lightly. This guide explains the process of planning and launching a micro business, from estimating costs/earnings and finding funding to identifying legal and professional needs (insurance, bookkeeping, business advice, etc.) and doing business on the internet.
Filed Under: Credit Micro Business on Jan 23, 2018
Library: Korean | Get a car loan (Korean) That's in your best interest.
If you are seeking financing for a new or used car, you could have many options even if you have a poor financial history. However, late payments and other credit problems signal lenders that you are a risky customer, which will increase the interest rate on the loans available to you. There are differences between lenders—so shop around to find the best deal.
Filed Under: Auto Lending/Insurance Credit on May 23, 2017
Library: Korean | Debtors’ Rights (Korean) .
This guide helps consumers understand how to communicate with a debt collector, what their rights and options are when faced with a debt collection lawsuit, steps to take to try to avoid legal action, where to find legal information and advice, the general process of responding to a lawsuit, their rights if they lose the case and how to file a complaint against a collector.
Filed Under: Bankruptcy Credit Debt Collection on Dec 20, 2016
Library: Korean | Credit Cards - What You Need To Know (Korean) .
Most people use credit cards—but do they know the terms of the agreement they have with their card issuer. This brochure is designed to help readers understand the different types of cards available; sort through offers to choose the card that’s right for them; understand credit card terms and conditions, and avoid fees and penalty rates.
Filed Under: Credit Credit Cards on Nov 11, 2010
Library: Korean | Families and Credit Cards (Korean) .
This educational brochure is designed for parents who are weighing the merits of giving their children credit cards. The topics covered include youth and credit cards, adding cardholders to your account, secondary cardholder policies, payment options for kids while they’re traveling and helping young people understand the importance of good credit.
Filed Under: Credit Credit Cards on May 24, 2010
Library: Korean | Workplace Privacy (Korean) 근무 중 여러분의 권리 .
To protect your personal privacy and your job, you should know when and how employers can monitor and gather information about you. This publication explains some of the situations in which monitoring might occur in the workplace and explains your privacy rights as an employee.
Filed Under: Credit Privacy Rights on Dec 21, 2009
Library: Korean | Recognizing Credit Card Fraud (Korean) .
Credit card fraud happens when consumers give their credit card number to unfamiliar individuals, when cards are lost or stolen, when mail is diverted from the intended recipient and taken by criminals, or when employees of a business copy the card or card numbers of a cardholder. This new Consumer Action publication explains how to recognize and avoid many forms of fraud that involve credit cards, such as skimming, phishing, ID theft and counterfeit cards.
Filed Under: Credit Credit Cards Fraud/Scams on Jul 08, 2009
Library: Korean | Understanding Your Credit Score (Korean) .
Your credit score is a “snapshot” of your credit history that is used by lenders, insurers and others to assess your creditworthiness and the likelihood that you will pay your bills and repay outstanding loans. This publication explains how to learn your score, how to interpret it and how to maintain or improve it.
Filed Under: Credit Credit Reports/Scores on Mar 24, 2008
Library: Korean | Poor Credit means Higher Interest Rates - How to avoid bad loans (Korean) .
This brochure addresses “subprime” loans offered to people with credit problems. While consumers with poor credit can find fairly priced mortgages, car loans and credit cards at higher-than-average rates, this population is easily victimized by very bad deals called predatory lending. This brochure covers illegal lending practices, warning signs of bad loans, how to avoid becoming a victim, filing a compaint and resources for advice and assistance.
Filed Under: Credit on Apr 01, 2004
Library: Korean | Giving Yourself Some Credit (Korean) .
An illustrated fact sheet describing what credit is, how to obtain it, and how to use it. Also describes credit ratings, credit bureaus, and the importance of consumers periodically reviewing a copy of their credit report for accuracy. Explains the Equal Credit Opportunity Act.
Filed Under: Credit on Apr 02, 1993
Library: Korean | California Immigrants and Credit (Korean) .
A fact sheet designed to explain credit to California immigrants: how to qualify for it, how to use it properly, and how to avoid problems. Discusses creditors, credit history, credit bureaus, scams, and abuses. Includes a short glossary of credit terms and a listing of community resources for further information.
Filed Under: Credit on Apr 01, 1993