Korean Library: Money Management

All Consumer Action publications are available online, with most also available as a PDF download. Government agencies, nonprofits and other community-based organizations who wish to distribute our publications for educational purposes can use the PDF file to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer.

Library: Korean | Get Credit for Your Hard Work (2024 Tax Year) (Korean) 저소득 근로 납세자들은 연방 근로 소득 세액 공제(EITC)를 받을 자격이 있을 수 있습니다. The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) helps low-income working taxpayers and families get more money back when they file their federal income tax return. This publication contains EITC guidelines for the 2024 tax year (for taxes due in April 2025). Filed Under: Money Management Taxes on Dec 31, 2024

Library: Korean | Money Management 1-2-3: ONE: Getting a Strong Start (Korean) . The “Money Management 1-2-3: Be Smart About Money All Your Life” series focuses on basic money management skills at the beginner, intermediate and advanced level. Part one, Getting a Strong Start, addresses how to manage your income, use credit wisely and live within your means. Topics include understanding your pay stub, filing your tax returns, creating a budget, setting up bank accounts, establishing and building good credit and managing student loans. Filed Under: Banking Credit Credit Reports/Scores Money Management Student Loans Taxes on Sep 03, 2024

Library: Korean | Money Management 1-2-3: TWO: Achieving Financial Goals (Korean) . The “Money Management 1-2-3: Be Smart About Money All Your Life” series focuses on basic money management skills at the beginner, intermediate and advanced level. Part two, Achieving Financial Goals, addresses updating your budget, accumulating a nest egg and protecting your assets. Topics include budgeting and debt management, saving and investing, homeownership and insurance. Filed Under: Credit Debt Collection Housing Insurance Investing Mortgages Money Management Taxes on Sep 03, 2024

Library: Korean | Money Management 1-2-3: THREE: Planning a Secure Future (Korean) . The “Money Management 1-2-3: Be Smart About Money All Your Life” series focuses on basic money management skills at the beginner, intermediate and advanced level. Part three, Planning a Secure Future, focuses on leaving the workforce, funding your retirement and protecting what you've accumulated. Topics include tapping your investments and home equity, staying adequately insured, managing medical expenses, the basics of estate planning and, for some grandparents, raising a second family. Filed Under: Insurance Investing Medical/Healthcare Mortgages Money Management on Sep 03, 2024

Library: Korean | Establishing or replenishing emergency savings (Korean) COVID-19에 대한 대응. Many consumers went into the COVID-19 crisis with little or no savings, while others depleted theirs trying to stay afloat after losing their jobs. This guide covers the purpose of, and target balance for, an emergency fund, what to consider when choosing where to keep your fund, tips and inspiration to help you reach your goal, and a list of some FinTech tools that can help savers get and stay on track. Filed Under: COVID-19 Pandemic Money Management on Jan 08, 2021

Library: Korean | Financial assistance for undocumented workers (Korean) COVID-19에 대한 대응.

Millions of undocumented workers are ineligible for the federal economic aid available to U.S. citizens during the COVID-19 pandemic. This publication provides tips and resources for finding state, local and private financial assistance programs that are designed specifically for undocumented immigrants or don’t ask for immigration status when determining eligibility.

Filed Under: COVID-19 Pandemic Discrimination Money Management on Jul 06, 2020

Library: Korean | Tax basics for earners in the ‘sharing economy’ (Korean) .

The sharing economy might enable you to put a little extra cash in your pockets in your spare time, or it could be your primary source of income. Either way, earning money will have an impact on your tax situation. This publication, while not tax advice, will help you understand how to report your income and expenses accurately, why you should take advantage of all the deductions you’re entitled to, how to avoid an unpleasant surprise when you file your tax return, and where to get more information and assistance.

Filed Under: Money Management Taxes on Jan 02, 2019

Library: Korean | A consumer’s guide to choosing a prepaid card (Korean) .

A prepaid card that charges low fees, comes with desirable features and offers strong consumer protections can be a good choice for many consumers. This publication will help you learn how to compare your options and choose the best prepaid card for your needs.

Filed Under: Banking Money Management Prepaid Cards on Nov 06, 2015

Library: Korean | The right overdraft protection plan (Korean) A wise choice.

Spending more money than is in your checking account can be a costly mistake. This fact sheet presents the consequences of overdrawing your account, the high cost of “courtesy” overdraft coverage, the better overdraft protection plans that exist and tips for avoiding overdrafts altogether.

Filed Under: Banking Money Management on Sep 22, 2015

Library: Korean | Checking and savings accounts (Korean) A wise choice.

This fact sheet presents the basics of checking and savings accounts, highlighting the advantages they offer over “fringe” banking services such as check cashers. The publication covers, among other topics, how checking and savings accounts work, how to choose a financial institution and open an account, and how to reduce or avoid account fees.

Filed Under: Banking Money Management on Feb 03, 2014

Library: Korean | Teens & Money - Talking to teens about money (Korean) .

This 21-page booklet is designed primarily for parents but may also be useful for older teens. It covers many topics, including working, budgeting, figuring out if a purchase is a “need” or a “want,” banking, writing checks, savings, credit cards, credit reports, driving and cell phones. The booklet contains illustrations and examples of a weekly spending evaluation, a paycheck stub, how comparison shopping can save money and how to write a check. It also contains a list of helpful web sites for parents and kids.

Filed Under: Money Management on May 10, 2013

Library: Korean | Prepaid Cards (Korean) An alternative to credit and debit cards.

Learn how reloadable prepaid cards are different from other forms of “plastic,” how to select the best prepaid card for your needs, how to reduce card costs and how to manage your card account wisely.

Filed Under: Banking Credit Money Management Prepaid Cards on May 08, 2012

Library: Korean | Saving to Build Wealth - Make money work for you (Korean) .

This brochure provides information about the importance of saving, setting short- and long-term goals to promote saving, opening a savings account and ways to make your money grow faster, including certificates of deposit (CDs), individual retirement accounts (IRAs), U.S. Savings Bonds and college savings accounts.

Filed Under: Banking Investing Money Management on Oct 01, 2010

Library: Korean | Manage Your Money Wisely - Tracking your money (Korean) .

Knowing what you spend now is the first step in creating a budget. A budget is a spending plan to help you forecast and control your expenses. To create a budget you need to know how much you spend each month - and compare that figure to your take home pay.

Filed Under: Money Management on Sep 29, 2010

Library: Korean | Staying on Track With Credit (Korean) How to use credit wisely.

Credit can be a valuable financial tool for consumers who understand its costs and benefits and how to use it wisely. This brochure defines open-ended, or revolving, credit, including credit cards, home equity lines of credit and overdraft lines of credit, and discusses the pros and cons of using credit. It includes tips on high-cost credit to avoid.

Filed Under: Credit Credit Reports/Scores Credit Scores Money Management on Jul 10, 2009

Library: Korean | Surviving and Controlling Debt (Korean) Know What You Want.

An illustrated fact sheet that discusses the importance of managing debt so that it does not become a problem. Explains debt danger signals and how to reduce debt. Also explains collection agencies, debt counseling, and bankruptcy.

Filed Under: Banking Money Management on Apr 02, 1993

Library: Korean | Banking Basics (Korean) Checking Account Check List.

An illustrated fact sheet that explains how to open a checking account. Explains different kinds of accounts and their fees, check processing, automatic deposit and bill paying, and ATM/debit cards.

Filed Under: Banking Money Management on Apr 02, 1993

Library: Korean | Budgeting and Planning (Korean) Building a Better Future.

An illustrated fact sheet explaining how to control financial problems by budgeting and planning. Explains the functions of a budget, how to do a cash flow analysis, and how to create a workable budget. Also describes how to stick to a budget and make it work.

Filed Under: Banking Money Management on Apr 02, 1993

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