Chinese Library: ID Theft

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Library: Chinese | Avoid pandemic-related ID theft and account fraud (Chinese) 應對 COVID-19(新冠肺炎).


Identity thieves and fraudsters have taken advantage of the pandemic to get a hold of consumers’ personally identifying information and use it to steal their benefits, access their accounts and open new accounts in the victims’ names. This publication identifies some of the most prominent pandemic-related schemes consumers should be aware of, offers tips for safeguarding your personal and account data, explains how to detect fraud and ID theft, and outlines the steps to take if you discover you’re a victim. Category: COVID-19 Pandemic Fraud/Scams ID Theft on Apr 23, 2021

Library: Chinese | Just Say No to Scams (Chinese) .


Scammers cheat unsuspecting consumers out of millions of dollars each year, but there are ways to avoid becoming a scammer’s next victim. This guide will help consumers understand how crooks reel in their prey, recognize and evade scam attempts, and learn about scam prevention and reporting resources.

Category: Fraud/Scams ID Theft Internet Elder Fraud on Jul 22, 2019

Library: Chinese | Freeze Your Credit File (Chinese) Leave ID thieves out in the cold.


A credit file “security freeze” is a preventive tool to help you avoid identity theft and to block impostors from using your personal information to establish credit. This publication explains how to “freeze” your credit file, which prevents new credit from being established in your name until you temporarily or permanently lift the freeze.

Category: Credit Reports/Scores ID Theft on Oct 10, 2017

Library: Chinese | ID Theft & Account Fraud - Prevention & Cleanup (Chinese) .


An identity thief is an imposter who assumes another person’s identity in order to profit illegally or because the thief wants to hide behind a new identity. Identity theft—or ID theft—occurs when the imposter uses your personal information to commit fraud or other crimes. This publication can help you take steps to prevent ID theft, or if you are a victim, to clear up the problems created by ID theft and to lessen its impact on your life.

Category: Fraud/Scams ID Theft Privacy Rights on Sep 10, 2010

Library: Chinese | Fraud Bingo Game (Chinese) .


Consumer Action’s Fraud Bingo is a fun activity you can use in your trainings.

Category: Fraud/Scams ID Theft on Mar 09, 2010

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