English Library: Internet
All Consumer Action publications are available online, with most also available as a PDF download. Government agencies, nonprofits and other community-based organizations who wish to distribute our publications for educational purposes can use the PDF file to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer.

Library: English | Affordable Connectivity Program (Tribal Lands): Tribal lands residents can get free internet service with enhanced benefit
This publication provides details about the FCC's Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) for Tribal lands residents, which provides a monthly benefit of $75 that is applied to the cost of your internet service, resulting in a lower bill.
PROGRAM UPDATE: Due to a lack of additional funding from Congress, the Affordable Connectivity Program has placed a freeze on new ACP applications and enrollment. Consumers must be approved and enrolled with an internet service provider by 11:59 p.m. ET on Feb. 7 to receive the ACP benefit. Consumers who are enrolled in the ACP will continue to receive their benefit through April 2024. (This is an estimate, and could change.) If Congress decides to provide more funding for the ACP, the FCC will provide further guidance and instructions on how the program will proceed, and Consumer Action will update this message. Learn more here. Category: Internet on Mar 24, 2022
Library: English | The Role of Data Networks in the FinTech Ecosystem (Webinar) – Video
Whether consumers already use FinTech to manage their money or are considering using a FinTech app for the very first time, it’s important to understand how they share their financial account data with the apps they choose, the role data networks—sometimes called data aggregators—play, what control users have over their data, and what steps consumers can take to stay informed about the financial services they choose. This webinar, "Understanding the Role of Data Networks in the FinTech Ecosystem: What consumers need to know" focused on expanding consumer awareness of financial data sharing practices and the role of data networks in helping to achieve transparency and control. Category: FinTech Internet Technology on Nov 09, 2021
Library: English | Safer connections: How data networks help you manage your financial data
Many banks and FinTech apps have formed partnerships with data networks (also called data aggregators) as a way to protect FinTech users' financial account login credentials. This fact sheet explains what data networks do; how online banking dashboards can help you monitor who has access to your financial accounts, control what is shared, and rescind account access for apps you no longer want to use; and what steps you can take to enhance your privacy and security when using FinTech. Category: FinTech Internet Technology on Nov 08, 2021
Library: English | Understanding the data networks that help you connect your bank accounts to FinTech apps
It's important for FinTech users to be aware of data networks—also known as data aggregators—since these companies often play a role in connecting financial apps to users' financial accounts. This fact sheet explains what data networks are, what they do, how to learn if a data network is being used by your chosen app, how to control the collection and use of your data, and how to protect your data when using FinTech. Category: FinTech Internet Technology on Nov 08, 2021
Library: English | Share Financial Data with Care (Webinar) – Video
The webinar covers how financial information is stored, used and sold; financial app practices and how consumers can gain control over their data; what consumers can do to protect their privacy when using FinTech apps and tools; how to become familiar with and use the tools and services offered by banks; and resources, tips and tools that consumers can use to ensure that their financial information is protected. Category: FinTech Internet Money Management Privacy Rights Technology on Aug 18, 2021

Library: English | Lifeline and the Affordable Connectivity Program: Discounted phone and internet for low-income households
Broadband (high-speed) internet service is essential for conducting the necessary tasks of daily life, including learning and doing homework, telecommuting, looking for a job, banking, and accessing remote health services. This guide introduces the two federal programs that offer discounts on home broadband and wireless data service for qualifying low- and moderate-income households.
PROGRAM UPDATE: Due to a lack of additional funding from Congress, the Affordable Connectivity Program has placed a freeze on new ACP applications and enrollment. Consumers must be approved and enrolled with an internet service provider by 11:59 p.m. ET on Feb. 7 to receive the ACP benefit. Consumers who are enrolled in the ACP will continue to receive their benefit through April 2024. (This is an estimate, and could change.) If Congress decides to provide more funding for the ACP, the FCC will provide further guidance and instructions on how the program will proceed, and Consumer Action will update this message. Learn more here. Category: Internet Telecom Wireless on Jul 01, 2021