Site Help Center

Newly launched in January 2006, the Consumer Action website offers more features, functionality, and geniune access to the daily happenings at Consumer Action. The Help Center goal is to insure that you have the information you need to take advantage of the new site. Now, obviously, you can still just point and click, to see what happens. But if you are a frequent visitor or even a first time visitor and want to insure that you are getting all the information you need; visit the Help Center to learn a few tricks.


Help Questions

Five Recent Questions

  1. How do I search Consumer Action’s website?
  2. How Do I Find a News Aggregator/Reader?
  3. What Is RSS?
  4. Can I Subscribe to an RSS (News) Feed?
  5. How Do I Limit Search Results?

Help Articles

Basic Instructions: Online Ordering

Consumer Action creates award-winning free multilingual educational guides on a wide range of personal finance topics and other subjects of interest to consumers. Many publications are available in Chinese, Korean, Spanish and Vietnamese, as well as English.

For years, these publications have been offered freely via the web, fax or US Postal Mail. Now registered members and their associated organizations can order online. The process is easy. So learn how.

Basic Site Navigation: Top Navigation Menu

Introduction to the main navigation menu of the Consumer Action website.

Basic Site Navigation II: Sidebar Navigation Menu

An Introduction to the sidebar navigation menu and its uses.

Intermediate Navigation: The Footer

The Footer provides an array of jump points to archives and other important information.


Quick Menu

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