California’s Low Cost Automobile Insurance Program (Hmong)
Lub Xeev Kalifonias tau tsim txoj kev pabcuam fajseeb rau tsheb uas pheejyig no los rau cov tibneeg uas tsav tsheb zoo thiab khwv tau nyiaj los tsawg. Cov kev fajseeb (policies) no yog muag los ntawm cov koomhaum uas muaj laixees muag fajseeb tsheb nyob rau hauv Kalifonias. Lub xeev Kalifonias txoj kevcai hais tias ib Qhov Fajseeb Rau Tsheb hauv Kalifonias Uas Pheejyig xwb los yeej siv tau raws li txoj kevcai lawm.

Publication Series
- This publication is part of the California’s Low Cost Auto Insurance training module.
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California’s Low Cost Automobile Insurance Program (Hmong)
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Raws li txoj kev cai California txhua leej txhua tus tsav tsheb yuav tsum muaj es sas las tsheb (insurance). Yog koj tsav tsheb tsis muaj fajseeb, koj yuav:
- Raug txwv tsis pub mus toj laixees tsheb (registration)
- Raug ywv laixees tsav tsheb
- Raug luag muab koj lub tsheb cab mus
- Raug nplua
Puas yog koj tsav tsheb tsis muaj es sas las (insurance) vim koj tsis muaj nyiaj them nqi?
Lub Xeev California tau tsim qauv pab neeg tsav tsheb zoo them pheej yig tau es sas las tsheb. Koj tau nqe pheej yig nyob ntawm koj tau nyiaj pes tsawg txhua xyoos. Them qes tshaj $556 ib xyoos tau-Yam Es Sas Las hu ua Liability xwb.
Cov ntaub ntawv tuav pov hwm (policies) yog muab los ntawm California cov tuam txhab muag es sas las uas muaj ntawv tso cai los muag. California Cov Ntaub Ntawv Tuav Pov Hwm Rau Cov Es Sas Las Tsheb Uas Them Pheej Yig muaj raws li xeev qhov es sas las liability uas yuav tsum tau muaj.
Tej zaum koj yuav mus yuav tau Qhov Fajseeb Rau Tsheb hauv Kalifonias Aus Pheejyig yog tias koj:
- Yog ib tus tibneeg uas tsav tsheb zoo
- Muaj hnub nyoog yam qis 16 xyoos
- Muaj laixees tsav tsheb tsis tu-ncua li peb lub xyoos
- Muaj ib lub tsheb uas raug nqi li $25,000 rov hauv
- Cov nyiaj khwv tau los tsis siab tshaj luag tus ciam
There are 2 payment plans available:
- Full annual premium
- Or, 20% deposit with balance to be paid 7 bi-monthly installments (for each installment payment there will be a $4 transaction fee.)
Cov nqe lus nquag nug:
Qhov Kev Fajseeb Qis Tshaj uas luag kam muag rau koj yog:**
- $10,000 rau kev raug mob lossis nqi taub-hau rau ib tus tibneeg
- $20,000 rau kev raug mob lossis nqi taub-hau toj ib zaug tsheb sibtsoo
- $3,000 rau kev tsoo tsheb lossis khoom puas toj ib zaug tsheb sibtsoo
** Koj yuav tau fajseeb siab tshaj no ntxiv tabsis yuav tau them nyiaj ntxiv.
Nyiaj Tau Uas Yuav Tsim Nyog (Rev 2018)
Pes Tsawg Leej Hauv Tsev Neeg | Nyiaj tau kawg nkaus ib xyoos |
1 Leej | $31,225 |
2 Leej | $42,275 |
3 Leej | $53,325 |
4 Leej | $64,375 |
5 Leej | $75,425 |
6 Leej | $86,475 |
7 Leej | $97,525 |
8 Leej | $108,575 |
- Eligibility is based on the household’s gross annual income which must be 250% or less of the federal poverty level.
- For Low Cost Automobile Insurance Program (LCA) income eligibility purposes, “Household” means, all the persons who occupy a housing unit (house or apartment) and who are related by blood, marriage, registered domestic partnership, adoption, or guardianship. If more than one family is living in the same housing unit, they constitute different families for eligibility purposes even though they reside at the same address.
County Premiums (2019)
Click here to view the 2019 County Premium
Hu Tuaj Rau Peb Nawb Mog!
Xeev California Cov Es Sas Las Tsheb Uas Them Pheej Yig yog muab rau koj los ntawm California Cag Saib Xyuas Txog Es Sas Las (California Department of Insurance) thiab tswj los ntawm California Lub Hom Phiaj Txog Kev Phom Sij Rau Tsheb (California Automobile Assigned Risk Plan).
Published / Reviewed Date
Reviewed: May 09, 2019
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California’s Low Cost Automobile Insurance Program (Hmong)
File Name: 2019-FAQ-Hmong.pdf
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