Spanish Library: Internet

All Consumer Action publications are available online, with most also available as a PDF download. Government agencies, nonprofits and other community-based organizations who wish to distribute our publications for educational purposes can use the PDF file to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer.

Library: Spanish | Lifeline and the Affordable Connectivity Program (Spanish) Teléfono e internet con descuento para los hogares de bajos ingresos.
Broadband (high-speed) internet service is essential for conducting the necessary tasks of daily life, including learning and doing homework, telecommuting, looking for a job, banking, and accessing remote health services. This guide introduces the two federal programs that offer discounts on home broadband and wireless data service for qualifying low- and moderate-income households.

PROGRAM UPDATE: Due to a lack of additional funding from Congress, the Affordable Connectivity Program has placed a freeze on new ACP applications and enrollment. Consumers must be approved and enrolled with an internet service provider by 11:59 p.m. ET on Feb. 7 to receive the ACP benefit. Consumers who are enrolled in the ACP will continue to receive their benefit through April 2024. (This is an estimate, and could change.) If Congress decides to provide more funding for the ACP, the FCC will provide further guidance and instructions on how the program will proceed, and Consumer Action will update this message. Learn more here.
Filed Under: Internet Telecom Wireless on Aug 17, 2021

Library: Spanish | Privacy and security when using FinTech apps (Spanish) Comparta datos financieros con precaución. This fact sheet gives FinTech users the knowledge to make wise decisions when choosing and using FinTech apps, take effective steps to keep their financial account data safe, and understand their options if something goes wrong. (Our companion guide, What you need to know about how FinTech apps work, offers an overview of financial technology and what privacy and security considerations users should be aware of before choosing and using digital financial tools.) Filed Under: FinTech Internet Money Management Privacy Rights Technology on Apr 09, 2021

Library: Spanish | What you need to know about how FinTech apps work (Spanish) Comparta datos financieros con precaución. Financial technology can offer attractive benefits for consumers who want to take their personal finances digital. But, like all internet-based tools and services, FinTech apps need to be chosen and used with care. This publication explains the types of FinTech tools available, how they work, and what that means for your data privacy and security. (Our companion guide, Privacy and security when using fintech apps, offers actionable tips for managing and protecting your data.) Filed Under: FinTech Internet Money Management Privacy Rights Technology on Apr 08, 2021

Library: Spanish | Telemedicine: What to know about virtual doctor visits (Spanish) Cómo hacerle frente al COVID-19.

The pandemic has driven non-urgent doctor visits online to help suppress the spread of COVID-19. As more people receive medical care remotely, via a smartphone, tablet or computer, it’s important to understand when and how virtual visits might be an option, whether they’re covered under private and government-sponsored health plans, and what privacy issues they raise.

Filed Under: COVID-19 Pandemic Insurance Internet Medical/Healthcare Privacy Rights Technology on Dec 11, 2020

Library: Spanish | Take control: Customizing your social media privacy settings (Spanish) .

This publication explains how to achieve your desired level of privacy on the most popular social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat, Tumblr, Twitter and YouTube) and provides useful general privacy tips, tools and resources.

Filed Under: Internet Privacy Rights on Dec 11, 2020

Library: Spanish | Personalized privacy: Customizing your Facebook settings (Spanish) . On the world’s largest social network, a prudent approach to privacy is critical. This publication provides detailed instructions for using the various Facebook privacy management tools—both basic and advanced. Filed Under: Internet Privacy Rights on Dec 08, 2020

Library: Spanish | Improving your financial health with FinTech - Video (Spanish) Una guía para principiantes sobre aplicaciones móviles de finanzas personales. This video will introduce you to the types of FinTech tools available and how they can help you. It will also tell you what to consider when choosing an app and how to stay safe when using FinTech. Filed Under: Banking FinTech Internet Technology on Oct 12, 2020

Library: Spanish | Improving your financial health with FinTech (Spanish) Una guía para principiantes sobre aplicaciones móviles de finanzas personales.

Financial technology (FinTech) is the use of modern technology, such as the internet and apps (downloadable mobile software), to develop powerful financial services tools for consumers and businesses. For those who are motivated to improve their finances and dedicated to working toward their goals, FinTech can make the process more convenient, efficient and even rewarding. This guide will introduce you to the types of FinTech tools available and how they can help you. It will also tell you what to consider when choosing an app and how to stay safe when using FinTech.

Filed Under: Banking FinTech Internet Technology on Mar 16, 2020

Library: Spanish | Just Say No to Scams (Quick Tips) (Spanish) Consejos breves para protegerse contra el fraude . The Spanish Just Say No to Scams “quick tips" sheet provides consumers with the basics of recognizing the signs of a scam, understanding how to protect themselves and knowing where to complain and get more information. Filed Under: Fraud/Scams ID Theft Internet Elder Fraud on Mar 09, 2020

Library: Spanish | Fake News: Recognizing and stemming misinformation (Spanish) .

Gracias a internet y a los medios sociales, la información ahora se transmite mucho más rápido que antes y puede resultar en graves consecuencias. Esta hoja informativa le ayudará al consumidor a evaluar la exactitud de lo que lee o escucha, a evitar las “noticias falsas” y a abstenerse de propagarlas.

Filed Under: Fraud/Scams Internet on Oct 27, 2017

Library: Spanish | Savvy Online Shopping: Tips for trouble-free transactions (Spanish) .

Las compras por internet ofrecen todo tipo de ventajas, pero esto no significa que no impliquen posibles riesgos. Esta publicación explica cómo reducir posibles problemas al proteger su información personal, tomar decisiones acertadas acerca de dónde comprar y cómo pagar, y adoptar medidas para evitar conflictos.

Filed Under: Consumer Rights Fraud/Scams Internet Prepaid Cards on Feb 01, 2017

Library: Spanish | Savvy Online Shopping: How to resolve a dispute (Spanish) .

Los consumidores que compran en línea a veces enfrentan problemas, desde problemas con la entrega o con el producto hasta dudas o disputas acerca de la facturación. Esta publicación explica los pasos que pueden tomar los compradores en línea para evitar o resolver estos y otros problemas que podrían surgir.

Filed Under: Consumer Rights Fraud/Scams Internet Prepaid Cards on Feb 01, 2017

Library: Spanish | Getting up to Speed (Spanish) Internet de banda ancha para hogares de bajos ingresos.

En la actualidad el servicio de internet de alta velocidad en el hogar (banda ancha) es prácticamente una necesidad para todo, desde encontrar un empleo hasta hacer la tarea de la escuela. Sin embargo, muchas familias de bajos ingresos están en desventaja porque la banda ancha les ha sido inaccesible. Esta hoja informativa explica más sobre la banda ancha, incluso su importancia, beneficios, disponibilidad y precios. También presenta programas especiales que ofrecen servicio de internet rápido en el hogar con descuento a las familias de bajos ingresos.

Filed Under: Internet Telecom on Nov 14, 2016

Library: Spanish | Watch out! Online video and your privacy (Spanish) .

Aunque los consumidores ahora tienen muchas más opciones sobre cómo, dónde y cuándo ver videos, también se enfrentan a nuevos riesgos para su privacidad personal. Esta publicación les advierte a los espectadores de los riesgos para la privacidad que plantea la tecnología de compartir video y streaming y ofrece pasos a seguir para protegerse.

Filed Under: Internet Privacy Rights on Oct 06, 2016

Library: Spanish | What’s not to ‘Like’? (Spanish) Protecting your privacy on social media.

Compartir en línea es un pasatiempo muy popular. Esta publicación presenta los riesgos potenciales de compartir demasiado en las redes sociales y ofrece herramientas y consejos específicos para participar en las redes sociales y a la vez proteger su privacidad y permanecer seguro en línea.

Filed Under: Internet Privacy Rights on Sep 12, 2016

Library: Spanish | Put a Lock on It - Protecting your online privacy (Spanish) .

Esta hoja informativa le ofrece a usuarios de Internet el conocimiento para que tanto ellos como sus familias se mantengan seguros mientras aprovechan las varias ventajas de Internet. Los temas incluyen cómo asegurar las cuentas de Internet y aplicaciones móviles, seguridad en las compras y operaciones bancarias por computadora o dispositivo móvil, cómo mantener la privacidad en las redes sociales, y cómo evitar contenido y comunicaciones no deseados.

Filed Under: Internet Privacy Rights Technology on Dec 04, 2015

Library: Spanish | Connect to California LifeLine and Save! (Spanish) (2024) El servicio telefónico con descuento puede ayudarle a su familia a mantenerse en contacto. California LifeLine provides discounts on basic residential wireline (home phone) or wireless telephone or broadband internet service to eligible low-income households. Consumers who qualify for California LifeLine pay a fraction of the regular cost for telephone connection or activation and monthly service. This brochure explains the features and benefits of Lifeline phone service, how to apply for the program and what you must do to continue participation. Filed Under: Internet Telecom Wireless on Sep 05, 2013

Library: Spanish | Internet Service (Spanish) .

Internet ha cambiado la forma en que trabajamos, sociabilizamos y hacemos compras; ahora podemos hacer todo esto sin salir de casa. Pero esto no significa que Internet siempre sea seguro o que siempre sea gratuito. Esta hoja informativa explica sus opciones para obtener servicios de Internet y correo electrónico. También expone los riesgos de usarlo y le ofrece consejos para protejerse y para protejer a su familia, a su información personal, y a los datos de su computadora.

Filed Under: Internet Privacy Rights on May 09, 2011

Library: Spanish | Internet Safety (Spanish) A computer user’s guide to privacy and security.

Esta publicación explica cómo protegerse y cómo proteger a su computadora cuando navega por Internet y usa correo electrónico.

Filed Under: Fraud/Scams Internet Privacy Rights on Jan 28, 2010

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