Chinese Library: Technology
All Consumer Action publications are available online, with most also available as a PDF download. Government agencies, nonprofits and other community-based organizations who wish to distribute our publications for educational purposes can use the PDF file to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer.
Library: Chinese | Computer, tablet and smartphone warranties: Understanding and exercising your rights (Chinese) .
A computer, tablet or smartphone can be a big investment, so it's important to know you'll be protected if you get a device with some sort of defect. This guide explains how warranties for these types of products work, why extended warranties and insurance aren't always a good idea, your warranty rights under the law, how to file a claim, and what to do if you're dissatisfied with how your claim is handled.
Category: Consumer Rights Technology Telecom on Apr 19, 2024
Library: Chinese | What you need to know about how FinTech apps work (Chinese) 謹慎共享你的財務數據.
Financial technology can offer attractive benefits for consumers who want to take their personal finances digital. But, like all internet-based tools and services, FinTech apps need to be chosen and used with care. This publication explains the types of FinTech tools available, how they work, and what that means for your data privacy and security. (Our companion guide, Privacy and security when using fintech apps, offers actionable tips for managing and protecting your data.)
Category: FinTech Internet Money Management Privacy Rights Technology on May 14, 2021
Library: Chinese | Privacy and security when using FinTech apps (Chinese) 謹慎共享財務數據.
This fact sheet gives FinTech users the knowledge to make wise decisions when choosing and using FinTech apps, take effective steps to keep their financial account data safe, and understand their options if something goes wrong. (Our companion guide, What you need to know about how FinTech apps work, offers an overview of financial technology and what privacy and security considerations users should be aware of before choosing and using digital financial tools.)
Category: FinTech Internet Money Management Privacy Rights Technology on May 14, 2021
Library: Chinese | Improving your financial health with FinTech - Video (Chinese) 個人理財應用程式初學者指南.
金融科技(FinTech)是專門使用互聯網及各種apps (應用程式, 是可供下載的行動軟件)的現代科技,專為消費者和企業而開發出功能強大的金融理財服務工具。對於那些希望改善他們的財務狀況並致力於實現目標的人,金融科技可以使相關過程更加便捷,成效高,甚至有回報。這本指南將詳盡介紹目前可供使用的金融科技(FinTech)種類以及它們如何為你提供幫助。本指南也將解釋選擇這些應用程序時應考慮的事項以及當你使用FinTech金融科技時應如何確保安全。
Financial technology (FinTech) is the use of modern technology, such as the internet and apps (downloadable mobile software), to develop powerful financial services tools for consumers and businesses. For those who are motivated to improve their finances and dedicated to working toward their goals, FinTech can make the process more convenient, efficient and even rewarding. This guide will introduce you to the types of FinTech tools available and how they can help you. It will also tell you what to consider when choosing an app and how to stay safe when using FinTech.
Category: Banking FinTech Internet Technology on Jan 04, 2021
Library: Chinese | Improving your financial health with FinTech (Chinese) 個人理財應用程式初學者指南.
金融科技(FinTech)是專門使用互聯網及各種apps (應用程式, 是可供下載的行動軟件)的現代科技,專為消費者和企業而開發出功能強大的金融理財服務工具。對於那些希望改善他們的財務狀況並致力於實現目標的人,金融科技可以使相關過程更加便捷,成效高,甚至有回報。這本指南將詳盡介紹目前可供使用的金融科技(FinTech)種類以及它們如何為你提供幫助。本指南也將解釋選擇這些應用程序時應考慮的事項以及當你使用FinTech金融科技時應如何確保安全。
Financial technology (FinTech) is the use of modern technology, such as the internet and apps (downloadable mobile software), to develop powerful financial services tools for consumers and businesses. For those who are motivated to improve their finances and dedicated to working toward their goals, FinTech can make the process more convenient, efficient and even rewarding. This guide will introduce you to the types of FinTech tools available and how they can help you. It will also tell you what to consider when choosing an app and how to stay safe when using FinTech.
Category: Banking FinTech Internet Technology on Mar 16, 2020
Library: Chinese | Put a Lock on It - Protecting your online privacy (Chinese) .
This fact sheet gives Internet users the knowledge to keep themselves and their families safe while taking advantage of the many benefits of being online. Topics include securing your online accounts and mobile apps, shopping and banking safely on a computer or mobile device, preserving your privacy while using social media, and avoiding unwelcome content and communications.
Category: Internet Privacy Rights Technology on Jan 29, 2016