Library: Chinese | Lifeline and the Affordable Connectivity Program (Chinese) 這是為低收入家庭所提供的電話和互聯網折扣優惠計劃.
計劃更新:由於缺乏國會的額外資金,可負擔互聯網通訊優惠計劃(ACP)已凍結並暫停新的 ACP 申請和註冊服務。如需獲得可負擔互聯網通訊優惠計劃(ACP)相關福利,消費者必需在美東時間二月七日晚上 11點59 分之前獲得各網路服務供應商的申請核准並且註冊。而已經加入 ACP 的消費者在 2024 年 4 月之前則可以繼續享受該計劃之福利。(這僅是一項估計,以後有可能會改變。)日後國會若是決定為 ACP 計劃提供更多撥款,FCC (聯邦通訊委員會)將會對於推動ACP計劃提供更進一步的指引和輔導。如果計劃將會延續,消費者行動(consumer Action)也會立即更新相關訊息。查詢詳情請至。
Broadband (high-speed) internet service is essential for conducting the necessary tasks of daily life, including learning and doing homework, telecommuting, looking for a job, banking, and accessing remote health services. This guide introduces the two federal programs that offer discounts on home broadband and wireless data service for qualifying low- and moderate-income households.
PROGRAM UPDATE: Due to a lack of additional funding from Congress, the Affordable Connectivity Program has placed a freeze on new ACP applications and enrollment. Consumers must be approved and enrolled with an internet service provider by 11:59 p.m. ET on Feb. 7 to receive the ACP benefit. Consumers who are enrolled in the ACP will continue to receive their benefit through April 2024. (This is an estimate, and could change.) If Congress decides to provide more funding for the ACP, the FCC will provide further guidance and instructions on how the program will proceed, and Consumer Action will update this message.
Learn more here. Category: Internet Telecom Wireless on Aug 26, 2021